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"Whoa! You're so cool, Angel!"

"How the hell did you beat him?!"

"Either way, you're hand is broken! You should get it fixed."

Few prisoners chorused one at a time after the little girl just beaten the most strongest arm wrestler in the jail. However, having her hand broken as the result of her winning.

"Does it hurt?" Soraru asked her friend while looking on her swallowed hand.

"Nah, not really. I'm accustomed to pain already." Angel says plainly.

Then the pink haired girl grabbed her hand and gave it an comforting squeeze as the black haired girl yelped in pain of her broken hand.

"Ouch! Damn, stop it—Your crushing my arm!!" she yelled as Soraru smiled victoriously before freeing her hand.

While caressing her bleeding hand, the other girl sighed. "See? I told you that you'll get hurt. You didn't listened to my warning and launched ahead."

"But I still won." Angel defended as a vein popped on Soraru's forehead. "When you couldn't even win once."

"Oh, shut it will you?!" Soraru says.

Angel laughed carelessly as the taller girl sighed. "I'm surprised that you can smile like that knowing that your arm has been crushed."

"It doesn't really hurt," she says before looking on the ground. "It's nowhere from the pain I felt back then."

"What did you say?" Soraru asked as she wasn't able to hear her words.

"Nothing." Angel smiled as the pink haired girl looked at her confusingly, and then shrugged it off.

✦ ✧ ✦

It was finally break time as the hell came loose while the devils came out, grabbing the trays with good meals, the two girls started looking for an vacant seats just for the two of them.

"Hey, where should we eat?" Angel asked her friend who shrugged.

"I don't know, anywhere would do." Soraru answered back.

A pair of red eyes scanned the whole room for unoccupied seats, until it stopped and landed on a boy whose seating by himself on a big table. It must've been lonely to eat alone.

"How about there?" The smaller girl chirped while pointing he index finger towards the boy all alone.

The taller girl hummed while following the direction of her finger, when she finally saw the almost vacant spot, she froze when she recognized that young boy.

"No, no, no. Let's go find another vacant seats, shall we?" Soraru says.

"Why not? He would probably let us seat beside him—the table is big!" Angel said. "Plus, lunch will be over few minutes now and we haven't eaten yet. Not to forget the fact that I'm hungry."

"Seriously...?" Soraru sweat dropped while a huge lump formed her throat.

The girl with long scarf walked towards the lone boy seating on a table, the boy seemed to noticed her presence approaching as he turned around and met a pair of red eyes.

The young boy had a spiky white hair with matching blue colored eyes, his skin was pale as snow and he is remarkably handsome in his age.

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