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A pink haired girl began to cry for help for the other prisoners to save her best friend from being eaten by the tigers in the next few hours, sadly, no one had the guts to go against the monstrous beast of the wildlife.

'Why won't they help Angel...?' she thought as her pink eyes stared at the terrified prisoners in front of her as they adverted their gaze away from her. 'Aren't they her friends?'

Her legs began to tremble as she too, couldn't do anything against the tigers. No matter how strong she was, it was one of the dangerous species were talking about here. She wasn't even sure if she could come back alive.

'No...they aren't her friends...' she thought again as tears began to brimmed in her eyes.

'Those who betray Angel are my enemies.' she decided that all of the prisoners were her enemies.

She ran away to search for a person who could help her to save her friend, unfortunately, everyone turned her off. Much to her dismay.

"Those who are chosen to be the tiger's prey have no rights to be salvaged." one prisoner says.

"Even thought I want to help, I can't do anything against those tigers." another says.

"I'm sorry, but ask someone else instead of a useless me." a man says.

Soraru fell on her knees as the current time was 11:11, meaning she only have 49 minutes left before the clock strikes exact 12:00 am, before Angel's execution ceremony.

An image of a boy flashed in her head as she was thinking that he was the only one left that she hasn't asked. But then she sighed. "We don't even know his name...I doubt that he'll help."

Losing hope as sadness and grief filled her mind, she wanted to save her friend from her death, but she can't do it alone.

'Unless I do something...Angel will...' she thought a tears rolled down her eyes as it fell on the ground.

"Yo." she looked up and saw a white haired boy with matching blue eyes.

"I've heard that your friend is about to get eaten by the tigers." he added rather casually.

There was another reason why Soraru hated this peculiar boy, it was because of how immeasurable his strength is. This boy was being so cautious with everyone around him that no one even knew what his name is.

She first witnessed his strength back then when she first came to the prison, being able to defeat lots of armed military by his own was a feat.

"Please...save Angel..." she muttered quietly but it was enough for it to reach his ears.

Soraru bowed in front of him as tears rolled down her cheeks, begging for the young boy's help.

"You're the only one who can save Angel right now...please..."

A pair of eccentric blue eyes widened in shock as this was the first time that he encountered with someone who needed his help desperately, to the fact that she even bowed down just to save her friend who was near her death.

"I'm so worthless. I can't even do anything to save my best friend!" she cried in front of him as the anguish cries echoed in the tranquil room.

He stared at the crying girl in front of him, he could see how weak she was. How powerless and scared she is...

"Is she precious to you?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yeah...she was the first person to call me as her best friend."

"I'm jealous..." he muttered as she looked up and saw the loneliness and the sadness in his eyes.

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