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A pair of kids with black and white hair sneaked in through the prison in search for her dearest friend, Soraru, who was probably stuck-out dry in this lonesome place.

"So, where's your friend?" Jack asked the little girl beside him.

"I don't know...but I know she's around here somewhere." Angel replied as she began looking around for a pink haired girl.

"And where's that somewhere?" he asked again as a sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Somewhere out there." she smiled.

'What a pain...' the boy thought as he sighed, knowing how terrible his position right now was.

"Hey Jack..." the girl called as he turned around and hummed.

"What?" he asked.

"I've been wondering why I couldn't hear your footsteps even though you're just right beside me, is this a part of your assassination thingy?"

He nodded, "Yeah...I was trained in silently executing my targets without making a sound."

"That's kinda cool~!" she beamed while her eyes glistened as Jack sweat dropped from her peculiar reaction.

"C-Cool?" he asked again.

"Yeah—you seem like an ninja! That's kinda cool itself~!" she says.

Jack began to blushed furiously as he scooted away from her, then he turned around so she couldn't see his blushing face from embarrassment.

"F-Flattering me wouldn't get you anywhere, y-you know? Let's start searching for your friend."

"Yeah. We shall start looking for Rin!"

She laughed gleefully as he stared at her smiling face, he found it rather calming and pleasing to find such a strange person to be his friend.

'So this is what it feels like to have a friend, huh...?' he thought.

Then his train of thoughts were interrupted as he heard few footsteps nearing them, quickly, he grabbed Angel's wrist as he pulled her in a run away for their escaped with him.

"W-Where are we going, Jack?! This isn't where Rin is!"

"Enemies are approaching, it's too dangerous to go anymore further."

"B-But...We need to go back and help Rin!"

"We'll go back once the coast is clear, until then, we'll hide."

They hid in a bush nearby as Jack covered Angel's mouth with his hand so she couldn't utter any word. She started talking while his hand was on her mouth.

"Shh...keep quiet, they're almost here." he hushed her as she nodded.

Footsteps began closing by as the figurines began to talk with each other.

"Find those brats quickly! Five hours had passed since they left the auction hall, keep searching!"

"B-But...what if within those 5 hours, they've found an safe house where we couldn't reach them...aren't we just exhausting ourselves?"

"Yeah, his right, Boss. It's already 4:00 am, I'm really sleepy."

"...You do have a point, alright! The task of searching for the two brats has been canceled! I'll be the one who'll be taking commands."

Jack eavesdropped on the people who were searching for them behind the bushes while with the sense of captivity holding Angel in his arms.

'So they're finally given up to search for us, huh? Good.' he thought.

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