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Angel reached the platform of the stage as the audience sat in their comfy seats while starting their bidding. Her crimson eyes began to wonder throughout the room

What a disgusting place this is...

"Let the bidding begun! Who will start to raise their money first?!" the host yelled through the mic as one billionaire raised their hand.

"1,000,000 yen!"

"15,000,000 yen!"

"400,000,000 yen!"

"9,000,000,000 yen!"

"680,000,000,000,000 yen!"

Everyone halted when the last bidder yelled its prize as the atmosphere was awfully quiet.

"Wow. 680,000,000,000,000 yen?! Anyone who will make a higher bid than that?!"

The host of the auction searched through the place to see if there were anymore billionaires wanted to waste their money to the girl, but none

"That's final! Seat No# 99 purchased this little girl for 680,000,000,000,000 yen!"

"Huh?! What are you idiots talking about? I'm not an item to be purchased, asshole!" she blurted.

"Shut up, kid. Just behave." the host gritted his teeth while glaring at her.

"Don't give me that crap!" she yelled.

"My future wouldn't be decided by your hands, I'm the one who will decide what to do about my life!"

The host put down his microphone as he glared at her. "You're a annoying little brat, aren't you?"

"Well, if I'm annoying. Then you're a nuisance! A clear blockhead in my path. A hindrance." she spatted back.

"You truly made me angry." he says as he knuckled his fingers and snapped them.

"Oh, are you challenging me into a duel. Perhaps?" she cooed.

"No, this is one-sided violence. This is your last time to beg for your life before I change my mind." he says.

He started to walk closer to the kid and grabbed her shirt, raising her up.

"Now, beg!" he shrieked.

Angel spit her saliva on the man's clothing as a vein popped on his head, clearly dissatisfied and angered.

"That's backwards, you beg. Once I'm out of these chains, I'll beat you up."

Then he raised his arm to hit the girl who was captivated as she just dodged it, she jumped in the air and kicked him on the face.

He fell backwards from the attack as her feet fell down on the floor, still having chains hindering her. Unable to move freely as she can.

Damn this chains...!

"You brat!" he yelled as he stood up and grabbed a pocket knife hidden in his pockets before rushing up to her.

"Come and get me, bastard." she provoked him even more as it added fuel in his anger, to the point without going back to normal.

"DON'T BE SO HASTY!" someone yelled across the hallways as everyone turned around to see the source of the voice and saw a man in white clothing.

"Who the heck is that?" Angel muttered as she saw the person who just came in the auction.

The host's eyes widened. "I-It's him."

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