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The three kids finally got to meet each other after finding one another for a long time now, then they found a solemn place where they can hide from the prison for awhile, which was in the first near the prison their in.

"I was very depressed when you two left me by my own. Don't you know how much sadness I felt?" Soraru huffed.

"Who cares?" Jack says as a vein popped on the pink haired girl's forehead before yelling.

"I'm not talking to you, bastard!" she gritted her teeth.

"Me neither, bitch!" he yelled back.

They have a glaring contest as Angel sweat dropped as they were both handful, she sighed.

"It's a good thing to see you two getting along with each other so well." she says, breaking the heat between them. But failed.

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT WE GET ALONG, HUH?!" both of them yelled simultaneously.

"...But you two just jinxed." she pointed out.

"She/He copied me! Die, copycat!"

'Why can't just everyone get along?' the girl with red scarf thought.

"Hey Angel, ditch this guy! We don't need his company at all!" Soraru exclaimed while pointing her index finger at him.

"Huh? What the hell?! You're the one whose company isn't needed!" Jack mused while pointing at her.

Angel went between them to cool them down, "Calm down, you two."

"Don't get in my way, Angel. I'll beat her up." the silver head says.

"Who gives you the right to call her by her first name, huh? You aren't our friend at all!" the pink head says.

"...Actually, I gave him the right though. Plus, his our friend now."

Something huge fell on her shoulders as it cost heavy weights while he was smirking in complete victory.

"You serious, Angel...?" Soraru asked in disbelief, while pointing at the boy.

"Yeah, he's not a bad guy. Look at this, he treated my wounds!" Angel says while showing her the bandages around her arms.

"You don't know about that! He might be just trying to use you—that guy is our enemy!"

"What are you talking about Rin? Jack isn't our enemy. His a friend."

"...Who's Jack?" Rin asked, confused of the name. Then she turned around and saw the white haired boy smirking.

"The name's Michalis Jack, nice to meet you. Soraru Rin." he says coolly while tucking his hands in his pockets.

Soraru was silenced for awhile before yelling...."WHAAAAAAT?!"

"Since when?! Have you replaced me to him, Angel? I thought we're best friends? Were you just lying to me?!"

"C-Calm down, Rin!" Angel says while shuffling her hands.

"Jack told me his name when I was staying at his place, he isn't a bad guy like you were thinking off...In fact, he's a good guy!" she grinned as she thumbs up.

"He also saved my life twice so I can consider him as our ally, right, Jack?" she asked the boy while smiling.

The boy blushed as he looked away, grumpily. "C-Cut it out, you're embarrassing me."

"What? But you're really a nice person, and strong too!" she added.

Jack could only look away while blushing heavily, then the soul of Soraru seems to left her body.

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