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The sound of crickets pierced the solemn air as it was one tranquil night when a new criminal, Yuuki Angel, was caught by the officials and sent to the press media as they've executed their interrogation of the crime scene.

Flashes of camera appeared here and there as the small child ignored it as she hung her head low, not making an eye contact with the lenses that were taken or clipped by the cameraman and video mans.

Meanwhile, an professional assassin that was called by the name God of Death woke up from the buzzing news that was being aired on the TV.

"Breaking News! A six year old girl was seen in a crime scene, affirmatively, she was the killer of these innocent people...there were 56 dead bodies discovered!"

His interest perked up as his grogginess from lack of sleep faded away like an blink of an eye. The man massaged his chin as if he has an imaginary beard.

'56 people, huh? That's many...' he thought as he clearly took liking of the girl. She has too many potentials.

"Master, what are you watching?" a soft, mellow voice asked as the black haired man turned around to see his disciple. A grey haired boy in his mid teens walked up to the living room.

"Oh, nothing...just some random news that's been a buzz these days." he says.

A pair of yellow eyes turned turned to the TV and watched as well. The media started to ask the girl few questions.

"Why did you kill 56 innocent people?"

"What's your motive?"

"What would killing them achieve you, little brat?"

Then the grey haired breed assassin laughed. "You idiots, there's no way that she'll answer to any of that!"

The black haired assassin continued to watch the girl in the other side of the screen, he admit that at the first glance, she looked really innocent.

He also realized that the girl in the TV had the same eyes as the current target that he just took out the other day, then he nodded, understanding her situation. 'So she's the daughter of my recent targets, huh...?'

Couple of comments from the elders in how such a small child could kill other people without showing any signs of hesitation, how they were fooled by the girl's appearance since she was just a little girl.

He snickered to himself. "Funny, how looks can be deceiving..."

✦ ✧ ✦

After the questionnaires asked their annoying quotas, they've reached no destination as they gave up. Then next, the little girl was thrown to a protective custody as she was going to be transferred to the jail.

While riding on the car, a pair of red eyes looked up to the blue sky above. She realized her mistakes and regretted it, even as a child, she knew that it was wrong to kill people, let alone hurt people.

But it was too late, she did it. Angel can't go back to the past and redo her future that was being presented right now. Unable to escape the shackles of her fate, a huge fumes of sighed escaped her mouth.

"Hey, little girl." a husky voice called as she looked up to meet an unknown eyes of a grown man who was driving the car to their destination.

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