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She ran through the hallways that were filled with poison gas with a mask tied around her head, covering her mouth and nose.

I need to find Rin, quickly!

Angel rushed with great speed while ignoring the corpses laying on the floor after whiffing the contagious gas, dying instantly.

She turned left as she bumped against to someone, she fell backwards, leaving a huge thud.

"Ouch...what the hell?" she groaned.

"Angel!" a voice said as she looked up and saw pink hair tied in pony tails.

"Rin!" she called back as the girl in front of her was also wearing a protective mask.

Soraru crouched down and held her hand. "I'm glad that your alright. Now, let's use this chance to escape!"

"W-Wait! We still have to get Jack. He's still back there!" she exclaimed.

"...Forget about that jerk! Let's ditch him, Angel." the other girl had a sign of hesitance laced in her voice.

"No! You can ditch him on your own, but I'm going back to get him." she snarled as she was about to turn her back to rush towards Jack when Soraru grabbed her wrist.

"He might've been dead by now!" she blurted in exasperation.

Then Angel raised her hand and slapped Soraru's cheek as the sound of slapping pierced the air.

"You're the...worst!" she yelled before running away to help the boy who was left behind.

The pink haired girl stood there with her cheek swollen red, still shocked. She stood there, petrified.

✦ ✧ ✦

She continued running even if her legs were extremely exhausted, she wanted to save him, no—she needed to save him. She wasn't the type to leave a friend to die...alone.

Meanwhile, Jack laid his back on the cold floor while the poisonous gas continued to spread across the room.

He's limbs were all numb, unable to move from his position, he prayed silently for his friend's safety.

"As long as those girls are safe...it's fine if I'm the only one who's going to die." he whispered to himself.

"JACK!" a loud, boisterous voice echoed throughout the room.

His tired eyelids were forced to shot open when he heard her voice, silently, a slight hope for his survival bloomed in his heart.

She crouched down as she grabbed his arm and slung it around her shoulder, trying to support him to walk.

"A-Angel...? Why are...you here?" his voice was raspy.

"Don't worry, everything'll be fine." she says while carrying him as she started to walk on her feet.

"Where...is the other girl?" he asked.

"I don't know. She probably escaped on her own." she replied.

Suddenly, few armed guards with mask around them appeared out of nowhere, fully equipped. All of them pointed a gun towards the two kids who were in desperation.

"Bad timing." Angel clicked her tongue as she broke a sweat.

"I-If you leave me here...you c-can defeat t-them all..." Jack says.

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