|| Main Plot : Break Up ||

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Hi there everyone, I'm Hajime~! Feel free to call me by my name. I promised you guys that I will make a different ending plots for Angel x with the other characters, didn't I? I got the idea of making one because of the otome games that I always play. Damn, my favourite game just ended.

So, yeah...I'm planning to re-make the last few chapters of She Has A Secret. The graduation part, here's the plot~


Cherry blossom petals fluttered in the strong gust of the crispy air as the sun shone brightly in the vast skies, it was back then in the early spring time during their graduation day.

A girl stood outside of the hall looking at the boy who was a meter away from her frame, she had these eyes as if she was going to cry anytime now.

"There is something I must tell you, Karma..." she started while clutching her first, quivering.

"What is it?" he hummed while putting his hands in his pockets.

Angel adverted her gaze from him as she looked down on her shoes, her face gave out the expression of dilemma.

"I've been wondering for awhile now, um...you see..." she muttered.

Karma just eyed her, waiting for her what to say next rather patiently. Inwardly, he wondered what she was attempting to tell him, but somehow she saw hesitance that was confusing him.

"Let's break up..."

His heart shattered instantly after those words slipped out of her mouth, he was astonished that she wanted to break up now. He started to wander what he did wrong this time.

"It's not like I'm breaking up with because I don't like you...it's just that, I think that this is for the best."

Suddenly, the fuel to his anger rose. "What do you mean that this is for the best? What are you talking about?!"

"I'm talking about your future! You have your own goals, right? If we're together, you might not fulfil it!" she yelled.

He flinched as Angel noticed this and slightly felt upset, but shook this uncertainly feelings.

"You have lots of expectations to fulfil, while I am working in the underground...killing people...I'm so ashamed of myself, but I felt so lucky to have you dating a girl like me."

Karma was astonished, "So what if you have killed lots of people before?! I don't care about that!"

"You just don't understand how I feel! Your really smart and wise, you can go to places somewhere far away from here and get a great job that anyone could be proud off...while me..."

While me? she thought, uncertain.

"I will not go anywhere, I'll be in this town forever...that's a person I am. It will be a waste if you stay with me in this town." she finished.

"No..." he whimpered.

"NO!" he shouted loudly causing for Angel to flinch from his tone.

"What good will you be if I weren't by your side? How will you study for exams if I won't teach you?! How will you restrain yourself in killing if I'm not there to stop you?! What good will you do if I'm not around?!"

"I'll manage somehow..." she stated.

"I'll try my best to avoid those stuff so go ahead and achieve your goals. Work hard, and one day I'll remember that I dated such a great person." she finished while her voice cracked.

Karma was silenced, not knowing that he says, he just stood there, petrified. He didn't know what to say nor what to do, so he just stayed quiet.

He probably hates me now for being selfish. Angel thought.

"Is this what you really wanted?"

Then that's when her tears broke as it stream down her cheeks, she covered her face with her hands while wiping away the tears escaping her eyes.

"Yeah." she answered rather quick.

"Then, why are you crying?" he asked again.

"I don't know...it all went out, I never planned to cry in front of you. I'm sorry." she says, quivering.

Karma started to walk towards her as he lifted up her chin and put his forehead against hers while softly murmuring few words.

"If this is what really wanted, let me say this to you one last time..." he muttered in a low voice.

"W-What is it?" she asked as the tears kept streaming down.

"I love you." he said.

But she never replied back, and that was the biggest mistake she ever made in her life.  


Phew, finally finished typing. So yeah, that's their break-up. Next up is the ending time of the following characters...

[1] Asano Gakushu Ending
[2] Horibe Itona Ending
[3] Shiota Nagisa Ending
[4] Michalis Jack Ending special

Note: Jack never appeared in my two books (Then He Showed Up & She Has A Secret) he was officially introduced here in Past Time, there were some fans asking me to make more Angel x Jack plots, so yeah, their wishes are granted. 

Each ending have different settings and plots, so wait for it, though all are after 7 years time skip. I hope that you will enjoy the upcoming stories.

UP NEXTAsano Gakushu Ending

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