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Dashing through the roads with great speed as they were being followed, harshly panting as their breathe was being taken away.

"This is so fun!" Angel giggled as she ran away from the barking sounds that pierced the thin air.

"Y-You call this fun?!" Gakushu asked as he continued to ran away with her, he began to pant heavily from all the running they covered in a distance.

Bark. Bark. Bark. was the sound that pierced the air and it kept getting louder in any second, they were being chased by an battalion of dogs.

Accidentally, Gakushu dropped the new toy that he just bought, the Red Man action figure behind. He was going to stop to get it, but Angel grabbed his hand and pulled him.

"Don't stop running, idiot!" she said.

"B-But, my Red Man—!" he said.

However, she disregarded his feelings as they reached a stock of boxes and climbed up on it. "You can just buy a new one than to risk yourself to get it."

"No! My father gave it to me. What if your scarf fell instead? Will you just leave it behind like nothing?!"

She fumed, "Of course not! It's precious, obviously I'll go after it."

"See? You'll even do the same!" he fought back, then the tension between them shattered as they heard a loud barking pierced the air.

Sighing in defeat, she jumped down from the stocks of boxes as he gasped, shocked that she went down in the numerous dogs below.

"Caught it..." she whimpered at the moment she grabbed the toy.

"Angel—look out!" Gakushu yelled on top of his lungs as the dogs started to went after her.

'Oh, no...they'll going to get me.' she thought as her surroundings seem to get slower, slowly, the pupils in her eyes disappeared as her eyes held no expression of whatsoever.

In the blink of an eye, she smacked all of the dogs in her sight. Making all of them collapsed on the ground.

That was the first skill that she honed before she became an assassin, self-control even though she's in trouble, her body was moving fine as she cleared out her target.

Slowly, her pupils returned as her eyes regained their emotions. Her eyes casts down on the fallen guard dogs on the floor, blood stained the wall and floor in sight.

She looked at her hands, they were drizzled with blood stains. 'What just happened...?' she thought.

Gakushu grabbed the toy on the ground as he grabbed her hand, "We're going out of here!" he yelled.

This time, he was the one who grabbed her hand and took her away. Once danger was out of sight, they stopped and panted heavily after the marathon that they just participated.

Before she could say a word, she received an smack by him. "Ow! What was that for?!" she yelled.

"For being reckless! Seriously, you should have leave it behind. Look at you now—you're full with scratches."

"Whaaat? I don't understand you. Firstly, you want it back. Now, you want me to leave it behind?!"

"N-No...it's not that, I'm grateful that you grab it for me. It's just that, don't put yourself in danger anymore."

She smiled, "Gotcha."

However, what she didn't know is about the danger that was gonna happen next...

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