Coming Clean

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I realised a little too late that I had been too careless about keeping my secret. It wasn't until halfway through my workshop, when I turned my back on my class to cue the music, that I remembered exactly what was inside my inbox.

The sweat and the race of my heart from dancing couldn't compare to that which I gained from panic. My hands shook as I turned up the sound system as did my voice when I called out the tempo.

This couldn't be happening.

Okay Brittany just breathe. Think logically. When you switch off your computer, you always close everything down. Trevor wouldn't click the link to the email. Definitely not. Even if he notices the tab, you can say that you were...researching how to apply for SYTYCD - just out of curiosity. It'll all be fine.

The more I told myself this in my head, the more I started to believe it. I knew Trevor was trustworthy. He wouldn't open all my emails and read them. However that didn't stop the worry of whether or not I left the all-important email open. Then it would just be there, staring him in the face. He wouldn't mean to see it but you can't not read something that is placed right in front of you.

The worst part was, if Trevor saw the email, I knew he wouldn't say anything about it and I would never be able to mention it to him - because I would never know if he had read it or not.

Up until my moment of panic, teaching class had been a lot of fun, as it always was. It was always awesome to be at RawMotion but this time it was providing me a much needed distraction from my stressful decision making process. I hadn't thought about it for a whole forty five minutes because of how focused I was on teaching. The kids all seemed to be doing a great job, some more so than others, who not so coincidentally were the first people to shoot their hands in the air when I asked for volunteers to help me perform it. I randomly chose a few and they all spread out behind me on the dance floor whilst we did the combo I had just taught full out for the rest of the class. Once we were finished, I let the applause erupt around me, praised the dancers who had assisted me and checked the watch that was on my wrist.

"All right guys," I said after grabbing my microphone again, "so now we're going to head back into the other room to do all the meet and greets and all that fun stuff."

The kids all squealed excitedly.

"If you have stuff in here, please don't forget to grab it and we're going back into Trevor and Isaac's room," I instructed pointing in the door. "So let's go."

I took my microphone with me for the Q&A we would be doing with the cast and walked to the front of the cluster at the door, leading the way out. All of us walked along to the room next door and I peeked my head inside. It was still only Trevor and Isaac's class who were in there but they seemed to be ready for us to join.

"Hey!" Isaac called to me from the stage. "Come on in."

"Alright just head into the middle you guys," I told my class as I walked up to join both boys on the stage.

With every step I took towards Trevor, my heart leapt. Eventually I made it to the top of the staircase and approached both of the guys.

"Hey," I said taking a deep breath. "Did everything with the out?"

"Yeah," said Trevor with a smile. "Thank you."

"Yeah no worries," I said a little flatly.

It was too hard to tell what he had seen, if anything. I knew he wouldn't mention it to me if he had, least of all here. Only time would tell.

TRITTANY: Finally NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now