Slow Motion

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It wasn't long before boxes began to take over my apartment. They were stacked everywhere. Mostly consuming my bedroom because I felt bad that my sister would have to put up with them should they be placed anywhere else. However pretty soon I ran out of any possible space to put them in there and so they began to spill out into the living room and the kitchen and all the rest of the space in the apartment. Things had been very go, go, go ever since I sent the email which stated I would be accepting the position SYTYCD had offered me. Once they sent back an email which acknowledged my acceptance and all of the details about the flights I had been booked on and my accommodation whilst I was over there, suddenly everything settled in my mind that I only had three weeks to pack up my stuff and fly away to a new life. I wish I had time to be nervous about it.

The tiresome chore of packing and organising as well as working on the show for crazy hours at a time was really starting to take it's toll on me. However, no matter how exhausted I was when I dragged myself into bed at night, my mind didn't ever feel like sleeping. I was lucky if I managed to fall asleep within five hours of the time my alarm was set for in the morning. I wasn't oblivious to how much longer I was taking in hair and makeup these days. Unsurprising considering I was constantly looking as washed out and sleep deprived as I felt.

On this particular morning, as I stopped my car in the usual parking space and took out the keys, my exhaustion seemed to have lessened. Not because I had gotten any more sleep the previous night or because I'd had any time to relax. Instead because today I was more excited than usual to be filming.

I hopped out of my car and locked it behind me, slipping on my backpack and heading inside the building. My ID pass was scanned just inside the door and I was able to head on through to set, a steaming disposable coffee cup in my hand. I sipped from it as I walked past everyone else in the corridors and made my way to hair and makeup, like I always did first thing in the morning.

"Morning Brittany," Amy smiled as she walked past me.

"Hey," I replied sweetly.

"Getting excited?" she asked me.

I took a deep breath in and grimaced a little bit, but allowed myself to soften my expression into a smile.

"I'm getting there," I replied.

Amy kept on walking in the opposite direction as I made my way to the makeup department. Excitement was another emotion which I wish I had time to feel. Unfortunately it wasn't. I didn't really feel anything. Occasionally stressed, occasionally nervous but that was it. The rest of the time I felt kind of empty. Hollow. It was weird. However, contemplating it was yet another thing I had no time for.

Hair and makeup was full of the usual cast members walking around and sitting in chairs. Nobody was facing me as I walked in but I figured I was spotted in the mirrors as people began to wish me good morning.

I replied to all of them and pulled myself up onto a table, patiently waiting for a chair to become available. Not something which would take long considering there were boys getting done and they were barely in the chair five minutes. Whilst I waited, I just sipped on my coffee and stared down at my sneakers which hung at the end of my dangling legs.

"Hey Brittany," Victoria called out. "How's packing going?"

I looked at her reflection in the mirror and noticed the slight smirk on her face, as well as the fact that all of the cast were now looking at me with similar expressions. It wasn't unknown to everybody here that I wasn't the tidiest, most organised person in the world. I mean sure I kept my apartment clean and I never left anything in anyone else's way - but places that nobody ever went in to besides myself - those were a different story. Like my change room which nearly always had my clothes all over the floor and my bedroom which had a desk so cluttered I couldn't remember the last time I saw the wood.

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