Just One Opinion

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The wrap party played out exactly like it did every other year. There was the addition of new cast, the subtraction of a couple of O.G's and of course Brittany, but we all still danced, we all still laughed and we all still went home having eaten too much cake and drank too much soda so that we either felt sick or far too hyper to go to bed.

Since the conversation I had had with Victoria within the first five minutes of the party, I couldn't get what she had said out of my mind. For years I had been teased about Brittany and her about me but it had always been with a duration of two minutes each time and always in the company of loads of people. Like all of the cast together. Never before had anyone talked about this to me alone - and not as seriously as Victoria had started to do. She had actually started getting heated about the subject - like my obliviousness was actually annoying her.

I just kept on hearing what she had said.

"And I can't be the only one to see that girls like Britt aren't common. She's hilarious, she's annoyingly talented, she's so sweet and in case you haven't noticed - she's unbelievably beautiful! Believe me, girls with so much as a 100th of her perfection are taken by guys lightning fast."

It had always been a surprise to me that Britt was single. I had already admitted that to myself. Of course it was surprising! She was hilarious, she was annoyingly talented, she was sweet and I did notice that she was unbelievably beautiful. You know, in Victoria's words....

Some people just weren't really into the whole dating thing. I figured Brittany was just one of those people. But suddenly I was piecing together the fact that Brittany always seemed so good and natural at playing a couple with me and the fact that she was all of those amazing things that Victoria had called her. And when you added the two together - not being into the whole dating thing didn't make much sense.

Ever since Victoria walked away from me at the wrap party, I couldn't get Brittany out of my head.

Since there were so many young kids at the wrap party, and in fact - many of us older ones had still to turn nineteen - there was no alcoholic drinking going on. Which meant I was still able to drive home.

I had hugged everyone goodbye and grabbed Lamar on the way out of the party, heading back in the direction of my car. The city was dark now, and mostly busy with young people ready to go to clubs. Some had already been drinking by the sounds of things, others seemed completely sober. Lamar and I squeezed through the middle of everyone on the sidewalks until we reached my car. We talked on the way home, casually, never once mentioning Brittany which both relieved and disappointed me. Soon enough I had pulled the car into our apartment driveway and we were both climbing out of either side. I was yawning at this point. The dancing and the loud music and the extreme overthinking of this evening had left me exhausted. So when we got inside our apartment, I clapped Lamar on the back and said that I was turning in.

"Alright, good night man," he said.

I walked away from him and into my bedroom, closing the door behind me. It was dark in there, only the stray light from a street lamp giving the room a tiny glow. I went over to the bedside table and switched on a lamp so that I could see what I was doing. I emptied my pockets onto the bed. My car keys landed with a jingle, my phone with a thud, a half eaten packet of gum without any noise at all and my wallet with a slightly-louder-smack as it fell open. I added a few loose coins to the collection on the bed before slipping off my shoes and unbuckling my belt as I began to get ready to go to sleep. I threw everything I had been wearing into my laundry basket by the door and cleared everything off of my bed and onto my desk. Except for my phone - I kept that with me. I clicked off the light and climbed under the comforter, lying down on my pillow.

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