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The airport was like a huge reunion, which I was beginning to realise was something which would likely happen every time I came home. I had already seen Lamar and Trevor on the whole ride from the apartment to the airport, and Victoria and I had long since caught up after the previous night's sleepover. So that left Jordan, Taveeta and Isaac.

Jordan was the first person we spotted at the airport. She met us by the check-in point, casually leaning against her case and typing on her phone before she lifted her head and smiled hugely at us.

"Hey!" she exclaimed excitedly as she stood up straight to greet us. The four of us walked towards her in a clump, dodging each other's cases being wheeled along between us.

I wasn't sure how recently Jordan may have seen Trevor, Lamar or Victoria. Whenever we weren't filming the show, the time we spent apart widely varied. Anything from two days to three weeks at a time was pretty normal. All I could guarantee was that Jordan had definitely seen the other three far more recently than she had seen me, because a) it was almost 100% most likely to be the case considering I lived in Australia and b) from the moment the four of us approached her, she momentarily disregarded the others and threw her arms around me in an aggressively sweet hug.

"Oh...hey!" I said into her shoulder, stopping myself from toppling over just in time after how eagerly she had pounced on me.

Jordan pulled back from me, taking my hands in hers with a smile on her face.

"How are you, girl?!" she sang happily.

"I'm good," I giggled in reply. "Glad to be back! How's everything with you?"

Jordan went around hugging the other three as she gave me a reply in between, stating the usual, 'been doing good, good to see you' routine. By the time she had pulled away from Lamar, the basics of getting reacquainted had been covered and the five of us continued on our way further into the airport.

I walked between Trevor and Jordan as she and I caught up and he just appeared to be listening without any contribution. As we all piled onto the escalator, Jordan and I were already giggling together and telling stories whilst the stairs slowly climbed themselves to the next level of the airport, the five of us spread out across four steps.

In the time it took to get from Victoria's apartment to the second floor of the airport, I already felt like I hadn't actually ever left. It was like no time had passed at all between me and the rest of my friends. Even when we met up with Isaac and Taveeta that didn't change. Two hugs and the whole standard 'catching up' conversation later and Australia was the furthest thing from my mind. Right now I was here. I promised myself I'd make the most of it.

And so far I was doing a pretty good job. Now that all of us were together, minus Zac who lived in Vancouver and therefore wasn't travelling with us, we settled into the airport and sat around the seating space by our gate. I placed my case in front of me as I sunk back into a plastic chair, resting my feet on top of my luggage casually. Victoria was sitting beside me, just a single empty seat between us. Immediately beside her was Jordan who was copying me and using her carry on case as a footrest. The three of us sat facing Taveeta; who was directly across from Jordan and on her phone, Lamar; who was across from Vic and playing around with the lens of his fancy photography camera, Isaac; who's chair lined up with the empty seat between Victoria and I, and Trevor; who was across from me. He was currently sat staring into space at the ground in front of him, clearly in deep thought about something or other. I smiled to myself slightly, wondering what was going on in his head.

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