Crazy Thoughts

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It had taken a long time to fall asleep after I had finished texting with Trevor that night. I told myself it was because of the jet lag, that my body was simply getting used to the time zone, however 'jet lag' did not explain the burst of energy I had after talking with Trevor. It had just felt so nice to be communicating with him again. In reality, it had only been a few days since we had last done so, but so much had changed for me in that short period that I felt like it'd been a lifetime. Especially after Vic had been dropping  all those weird hints about him to me. So much had been going on that the slightest things were really getting into my head. I guess talking to Trevor the way we always had had been reassuring that some things couldn't change. Not easily anyway.

Eventually however I had managed to fall asleep and hadn't woken till the next morning, around ten. I didn't have to be at the studios for the next couple of days. After my introduction, I was given a mid-week break to get used to my new place, find my way around a little bit, unpack my cases, stock my apartment, maybe sleep off my jet lag and then I would be all set to get into work full-swing.

After waking up and taking a shower, getting dressed and eating breakfast, I had taken a walk down to the nearest grocery store with a long, scribbled list in my purse. I promised myself that I would use the first opportunity I had to stock the cupboards and the fridge and the freezer in my apartment. Grocery shopping wasn't an errand I particularly liked to run, however doing it in Australia was a little more interesting than doing it in Toronto. It required a lot more concentration. At home I practically knew where everything was in the supermarket like the back of my hand. Here I didn't know what I was throwing into my cart. I eventually had what I had calculated to be enough to fill my kitchen cabinets and struggled back to my apartment with two huge armfuls of groceries.

Once I had got back inside my apartment with everything, I set my phone to shuffle through my playlist on the dining table and got to unpacking everything into its own place in my kitchen. Both the music and having things inside my cupboards made my apartment feel a little more like home than just some crazy, fantasy place that I was staying for a while. It couldn't ever replace home, but with time, we'd see.

I took a seat for a while, scrolling through my phone to catch up on what I had missed social media wise. The usual posts from my cousins and my sister and some of my old high school friends were on my news feed. The little red bubble on my tagged list was displaying a large number, like it always did. Fans tagging me in posts was not uncommon. I decided to scroll through a few of them and quickly found that many were of the same picture. I recognised it immediately to be a selfie I had taken with a guy I met at work the previous day. His name was Ryan and he was a part of the creative team at SYTYCD. He was a dancer and a choreographer, like I was, but his role on the show was to overlook the entire performances and numbers. My job was the choreography solely. His was to take into account costumes and stage lighting and the performers. He was some of the people who brought everything together. I met him along with a group of other people yesterday and he had been so friendly and nice to me that I had relaxed hugely at meeting everyone new.

Now I was staring at post upon post of that same picture he had taken of us together, except this time it was fans who were talking about it. Many of the accounts reposting this picture were going crazy in the captions.

I don't like the look of this 😨 #TrittanyForever

Awe cute! ❤️ I'm still Trittany af don't worry 😂

GUYS CHILL! He can't replace Trevor ☹️ #Trittanyisreal

Trevor quick, he's stealin' ya girl 😩 #Trittany #savetrittany

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