Do The Right Thing

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Surprisingly, the whole Australia topic kind of withered away after that day. What Brittany told me was enough to put my mind at ease and forget the whole thing ever happened. She didn't want to go to Australia anyway and there wasn't a chance she was going to do something she didn't want to do. So it wasn't brought up again whenever the two of us were together. I guess I took that to mean that she had thrown the whole thing away and was finished with it.

Brittany hadn't ever told me that the Australia trip was for eight months to a year. In fact, thinking back on it, she had never actually mentioned how long the trip would be for. However when I misinterpreted what she said and openly touched on the fact that she'd 'only be gone for a few weeks' she didn't correct me. She let me believe that was what the deal was. I found out what was really going on from Lamar, who had no idea that Brittany was the one lined up for this new So You Think You Can Dance job, but happened to know that anyone who was would have to be in Australia for eight months at the very least. When I further researched it I discovered that he was right, which added yet another confusion as to why Britt hadn't told me that.

Everything became very complicated all at once. I had worried Brittany would listen to the opinion I had shared that she should go and take the job when I was under the influence that she would only be gone less than a month. Now that I knew she'd be leaving for much longer, my mind had completely been made up in the other direction. In a very subtle way, I then tried to convince Brittany that she shouldn't take the job. It was a little harder than it sounded but I told her she should just listen to herself and decide based on what she wanted, which evidently was to stay in Canada. I couldn't tell Brittany that I had found out the truth about how lengthy her trip would be - because then I would have to tell her that I had gone to the trouble of actually researching it - and if I was being honest; I wasn't too sure why I had done that myself. Whilst I was always one to take interest in jobs the cast members did outside of the show, actually spending so much time reading up on something they did wasn't like me at all. Yet I had done it. God knows why.

It was nothing I had to think about now. Brittany was staying here based on her own feelings completely. This was what she wanted so this was what she chose. I guess I was just lucky it coincided with what I was hoping to happen too.

About a week or so after that relieving conversation Brittany and I had all of the cast came to set. Season 4 had been a little more of a choppy one where the original cast was concerned. We weren't all in the same episodes at the same time anymore and that meant that we didn't come to the same days on set. However there was an episode where we were all reuniting as our characters which subsequently meant that we were reuniting as a cast too.

It was always a really nice familiar feeling when the O.G cast came together. The Next Step had been evolving for a long time now and sometimes we needed our originals to come back and remind us of how this whole thing started. I sat in the cast hub during our lunch break and listened to everybody laughing and having a good time together. Lamar was messing around with Isaac and Victoria whilst Taveeta talked with Brennan who wasn't actually in today's episode but was here to film Talking Heads scenes. Occasionally Lamar would nudge into me as he goofed around with Isaac and laughed in the process. I didn't bother to pull him up for it. Usually I was the one in this mood.

Currently I was sitting back on the couch and typing on my cellphone, kind of invisible to the rest of the group who were all engrossed in their own conversations. Although, I noticed as I typed away that I didn't hear Brittany's voice blending in with the rest of them. For a moment I glanced away from the screen and saw her sitting crosslegged on the floor a little bit in front of me, kind of across the room. She wasn't talking to anybody but instead just daydreaming. For a while she was gazing into space whilst she twirled her phone in her hand and I found myself wondering what she was thinking about.

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