It All Made Sense

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After reading the email that was open on Brittany's computer, her potential trip away was the only thing on my mind whilst I taught at Raw. However after the convention was over and I was back home, I decided to research about the So You Think You Can Dance programme.

I had sat in my living room, on the couch with my phone at hand, searching for the information I badly needed to hear. As I scrolled through the information on the So You Think You Can Dance page, I gradually began to relax:

Contestants are required to spend three weeks in our So You Think You Can Dance house, rehearsing their routines and working with our long-term choreographers.

This meant that Brittany would only be spending three weeks in Australia. Not any longer. She'd still be back in Toronto for next season. In fact, she'd be back months before then. So just as I had begun to fathom, her strange behaviour on set was not related to SYTYCD in the slightest.

Or so I thought...

Around two hours after I had returned home, after stepping out of the shower and changing, I realised I had a missed call and a voicemail from Brittany. I groaned and cursed over the fact that I had missed her call, especially because of the way she had left the convention. I lifted my phone to my ear and selected to listen to the message she had left me, hearing her anxious voice.

"Hey's Brittany," she stammered, "I just wanted to talk to you about something. Um...just call me back whenever. Okay, bye."

As the automated voice instructed me to press a number to return the call, I was already in the process of doing so. I walked around the counter in my kitchen as I waited for Brittany to answer, searching through my cupboards for something to eat. Eventually Brittany picked up, her voice casual and breezy and very much the contrary to the message she had left me.

"Hey Trev," she had chirped.

"Hey, sorry I missed you calling."

"Yeah no worries, I took a chance calling anyway. I had a feeling you would be busy with convention stuff."

"You could say that..." I replied, referring to the fact that all I had really done since coming home was research SYTYCD.

After a brief silence and a gentle touch on the subject of what Brittany wanted to talk to me about, I sighed and closed my cupboard door, unable to find anything to satisfy my hunger.

"Well," I said leaning against my kitchen counter, "have you eaten yet?"

Brittany and I made arrangements to meet at my place within the hour to go grab a bite. It solved my hunger issue, plus Britt seemed to be struggling to spit out whatever she wanted to talk about, so I hoped that it would be a little easier in person. Just as promised she appeared outside my building an hour later in a pretty cool and causal outfit and we walked the short distance to the pier to get food.

Of course I hadn't forgotten that the whole reason we were here was so that Brittany could get whatever she wanted to talk about off her chest. However it did take a while for us to actually get to that. It wasn't until we had both finished eating and were walking the full length of the pier side by side that Britt started to hint towards the subject.

Unsurprisingly, she did bring up the email which I had unknowingly stumbled upon earlier that day. Whilst we strolled along the pier and hung out, we began to discuss the whole situation. It came as a shock to me that I had been wrong about Britt being approached to be a contestant. As it turned out, they had emailed her about being choreographer for the season of the show! I didn't have much time to be shocked before excitement and pride took over and I was practically bouncing along the boarded walkway. Britt however stayed very calm and collected, just staring out in front of us as the wind blew her blonde locks beneath her hat.

TRITTANY: Finally NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now