What Should Happen

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She sat next to me at breakfast the next morning. She didn't really have much choice. Victoria took the only other seat beside Jordan, which I could tell Brittany and I were both hoping she herself would sit in. She hid her hesitation well enough however; only I could see the tiny look of panic that briefly came across her face before she wiped it away and sat down beside me. I wasn't entirely sure if I had been so good at hiding my own terror. However as soon as she sat down and conversation turned away from the arrival of the two blondes, I forced myself to break the ice. I guess the simplest way of doing so was placing a cup of coffee made exactly the way Brittany drank it in front of her and smiling. It was only when she smiled back, when she smiled in that way that she always does, smiled in that way that made everything seem like it would all be okay, that I believed it. For the duration of breakfast conversations went normally, even though nothing about the past 24 hours had really been normal, between Brittany and I at least. Nothing made me think of the way we stood together in that pool than when we both reached for a napkin and our hands touched. Than the way she laughed and apologised quietly, her cheeks flushing a light pink as she tucked her hair behind her ear. All the while, the question of whether she had been told I stopped by to see her last night was on my mind. Even still I didn't bring it up - and neither did she.

Other than those couple of awkward moments of hands touching and sideways glances being caught, breakfast was disaster proof where Brittany and I were concerned. By the time everybody had emptied their coffee cups and cleared plates away and the time to get to the convention was running short I was thanking God that nothing had happened. Not yet at least...

It was a pretty cold morning in Vancouver, being December and all. The snow had started at some point during breakfast and everybody had pulled on winter coats before stepping outside onto the streets. We all collected around the door, looking up and down for the cab we had called. Excitement was laced into the girls words as they all huddled together and laughed over something stupid that I had missed. I caught myself smiling slightly as I watched Brittany and Victoria together, linking arms and gossiping like they had done before Brittany went away. I could see relief in Victoria and this certain level of happiness that she hadn't visited since her best friend left. I couldn't speak for Brittany, I hadn't been out in Australia with her and therefore didn't know if she'd smiled quite as hugely in the last few months as she was doing right now, but I could bet a wealthy amount that there was a difference. A pretty big one.

"Finally," I heard Victoria sigh with relief as the people carrier showed up in front of the hotel. The rest of the group all sighed and shivered alike. Lamar, who was closest to the the driver's rolled down window, confirmed that this cab was ours before Isaac hurriedly pulled open the back door and everybody climbed inside. Being towards the back of the group, I let everybody else pile in first, which was when I realised that a similar situation to what had happened at breakfast was happening again now. Victoria and Brittany, still huddled together, ducked into the cab immediately before I did and sat in two of the remaining three seats with everybody else. Contrary to breakfast, the spare seat sat beside Victoria in the cab, meaning that's where I had been left to sit. I was both thankful and a little annoyed about sitting next to Victoria. Thankful that I didn't have to sit next to Brittany, annoyed that she was sitting right there in front of me, and Victoria therefore having a perfect view of anything that could've been going on between us. God knew she wouldn't let anything slide.

However, I had to give it to Vic; she had really gotten off my back ever since Britt had come home. After picking the girls up yesterday and becoming aware of the fact that Brittany was reading Milk and Honey, I had become suspicious that the reason Victoria had been strangely quiet as far as me and Britt went could've had something to do with Brittany seeing someone else in Australia. She hadn't mentioned anything about it, nor had I seen any evidence of her being with someone else - except for Ryan whose picture made an appearance on her Instagram every now and again - but it was a definite possibility. At the time at least. That all changed the previous night when Britt and I came seconds away from kissing. I may not have known a lot about what was going on, but I for sure knew that if Britt's lips came that close to mine, she definitely wasn't seeing anybody else. Without realising, that thought made my lips curl into a tiny smile. Brittany's eye caught mine as we clipped our seat belts onto place and she smiled back, looking curious. She looked away first.

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