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"They're so adorable!" Alice Cullen squealed as she looked over the edge of the crib. Edward Cullen gave a wide smile.

"Bella did a wonderful job, son," Carlisle Cullen said quietly, patting his adoptive son on the back.

"She looks just like you," Rosalie Hale said quietly from her spot at the head of the crib. "You said there was another?"

Edward nodded. "Unexpected twins. Emmett's got hold of the other one." The three adoptive siblings turned and saw their other brothers-slash-mates chuckling and having a good time with the second baby girl.

"What do you planning on naming her?" Rosalie asked. Edward thought for a moment.

"I don't know."

"Please don't let it be as bad as Renesmee."

Alice rolled her eyes at her sister's behaviour and turned to Edward.

"Can I name her? Pretty please?" she asked quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeping expected baby. Edward chuckled.

"I suppose," he mused. Alice skipped over to her brother and mate and asked for the baby. Emmett Cullen handed the child over grudgingly and Alice held her up.

"Hmm ... Carlisle, what did you say the French word for twin was?" Alice called to her adoptive father. Carlisle's head poked back into the living room from the kitchen.

"Jumelle," he replied. "Why?"

"Oh, I was just thinking of names for Edward and Bella's unexpected twin," Alice replied. "I like that. What about you, Edward? Do you like Jumelle for a first name?" Alice turned to Edward, who was mindlessly nodding along. Alice giggled happily.

"Jumelle Rosa Cullen."

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