Chapter Seventeen

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"Alright," Carlisle said as the family gathered in the main Cullen house living room. Jumelle had finally convinced everyone that she was okay, and that she should probably start learning about her gift as soon as possible. Bella, Edward, Renesmee and Alec seemed highly cautious, since Jumelle had been throwing up earlier. Jumelle ignored the looks of alarm whenever she did something so small as cough. Honestly, she found the situation quite amusing. So did Emmett.

"So we firstly need to figure out what triggers this forcefield," Carlisle said smartly. "Let's try a few things first off. Emmett?"

Emmett stepped forward; Jumelle had a gut-wrenching feeling that they'd planned all of this out earlier.

Emmett stopped in front of where his niece was sat on the sofa and knelt down in front of her. Jumelle raised an eyebrow, curious and cautious of what he was about to do.

Suddenly, she burst out laughing as Emmett jumped up and began tickling her. Gasps of awe and shock were heard, and Emmett stopped the tickling. As Jumelle opened her eyes, she witnessed Carlisle taking notes of the interaction. But as Jumelle glanced around, everyone's espressions were solid once again.

"Wh-what happened?" she asked quietly, all traces of laughter faded from her face and voice. "Did it work?"

"Hold on ..." Carlisle said quietly. Edward glanced at Jumelle with a frown as he picked up on Carlisle's thoughts.

Suddenly, Jumelle jumped out of her skin as somebody shouted behind me. She turned around and slapped Jasper hard.

"Sorry!" she said quickly afterwards. Jasper merely laughed.

"Girl's got game!" Emmett thundered with a booming laugh. "Nice reflexes!"

Jumelle glanced down at her hand which was now stinging and gasped suddenly.

A thin line of navy blue was slowly fading. As Jumelle glanced down at the rest of her body, she noticed that there was navy blue outlining her entire body.

"Incredible!" Carlisle whispered excitedly.

"Stop getting ideas, Carlisle, she's not one of your experiments," Edward said harshly. "She's your granddaughter, for God's sake."

"Yes, I know, but this would be interesting ..." Carlisle trailed off at Edward's murderous look. "Alright ..."

"Hey, remember that time when you first jumped the river and you didn't quite make it?" Renesmee asked with a chuckle. Everybody in the room looked at Jumelle as her face became red.

"Yeah, and I fell in ..." Jumelle trailed off as she looked at her hands and gasped once again.

This time, the outline was purple.

"Wow ..."

"It's emotions," Edward said finally. All eyes turned to him. "Emotions trigger the shield, or whatever else it could be. And each emotion has a color. See, navy is ... scared, I think, and purple is embarrassment. And the orange that we saw before is probably ... happiness?"

"Wouldn't that be yellow?" Alice questioned. "That's normally the 'color' of happiness, isn't it?"

Edward frowned. "True ... but what else could the orange symbolize?"

"Perhaps we should see if there's any sort of yellow in there if we trigger different emotions, hmm?" Esme suggested. "Perhaps yellow could be very ... chilled out, or mallow."

"Perhaps," Carlisle agreed. "Jumelle, what are your thoughts on the Volturi at the moment?"

Jumelle's insides boiled with anger. "Don't even say that name," she hissed lowly. Suddenly, she felt a tingling sensation in her palms.

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