Chapter Twelve

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As Alec and Jumelle arrived back at the main Cullen household after hunting, they were greeted by a squealing Renesmee.

"Nessie?" Jumelle asked as she walked into the living room. Alec insisted on keeping their hands intertwined, so Jumelle ended up dragging him in as well.

"Ellie, look!" Nessie squealed, clapping her hands. "Come here, Danny! Come to Mommy!"

Jumelle watched on in utter joy as she witnessed her nephew take some of his first steps in life. She released Alec's hand and began clapping her own together. But Alec was obviously craving his mate's touch a lot more than usual as he then wrapped his arms around Jumelle's waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"What is with you today?" Jumelle asked in amusement. Alec shrugged.

"I dunno. I love you?" he said as if it were a question.

Jumelle snorted. "I've heard that plenty of times, Alec. Seirously, what has gotten into you?"

Alec took a deep breath as he lowered his eyes, releasing her gaze. Jumelle frowned.


"Jane and Aro want me to go back," Alec finally breathed. Renesmee had stopped her celebration and scooped up Daniel in her arms. "Felix says Jane misses me like crazy, and Aro just doesn't want me to turn into someone like them, as he so kindly put it."

Renesmee's eyes flared with anger as she stepped over to the mates. "Someone like us? What exactly is someone like us, huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's not his fault, Ness," Jumelle said quietly as she realised that her sister was taking her frustration out on Alec. "Leave him alone."

Renesmee sighed. "I'm sorry, but ... I just want answers."

Jumelle nodded her head, pulling Renesmee into a tight hug. "I know, Ness. And we'll get them. But for now, you take care of your son. Alec and I will sort this mess out."

"Alright," Nessie sighed. She jiggled Daniel in her arms, and he gurgled at his aunt. Jumelle grabbed his tiny hands and smiled at him.

"Aunty's gonna be right back, okay? She just has to kick some butt."

- - -

"He's not coming back."

Jane pulled at the ends of her hair in frustration. Jumelle was trying to convince Jane to come with herself and Alec to live with the Cullens, while Jane was trying to convince Alec and Jumelle to come back to Volterra. Jumelle had asked for a word with Jane alone, so Alec had left to talk to Felix and Demetri.

"Will you even consider coming back?" Jane asked as she released her hair.

Jumelle shrugged. "Perhaps if you had better reasoning. But right now, no."

Jane groaned. "You are so frustrating!" she muttered grumpily. "Why did you leave in the first place?"

"We had a mission, remember?"

"Yes, and we were also supposed to return. All of us," she reiterated.

"Just come with us, Jane, you'll be happier!"

"I'm happy enough here!" Jane cried.

"You're not! You're manipulated into thinking you're as happy as can be, but you aren't! Jane, think rationally! You are one of the most powerful vampires Aro has on his side. He obviously wants to keep it that way. He considered Alec to be loyal and remain, and probably myself after six years of service, but we didn't. You don't have to do it either, Jane. If you come with us, I promise you'll be happier than you are here. The grass is greener on the other side, Jane."

Jane frowned as she began considering her options. Hopefully she would think of the words that Jumelle had just said and not warp them into something bad to bite back with.

Jane sighed in what sounded like defeat, and Jumelle's eyes widened hopefully.

"Alright, I'll go with you."

- - -

"She said yes?" Renesmee said in a high-pitched voice. Jumelle was standing in the living room with her family gathered around, who were all surprised to hear that Jane Volturi had agreed to come and live with them.

Jumelle nodded excitedly. "Yeah, she did. But fair warning; it will take her a few weeks, maybe even a few months to warm up to you," she warned. "She's still not thrilled with the idea of living with the clan she's considered her enemies for decades."

They all nodded in understanding.

"Okay," Jumelle said lamely. "That's it. She said she didn't really want to see you just yet. She wants to spend some time with Alec and get her head around things."

Everybody nodded in understanding before heading off in their separate directions to continue whatever they were doing beforehand. Jumelle collapsed on the sofa out of pure exhaustion and sighed. She rested her head on the arm of the sofa and closed her eyes, willing sleep to come.

It did so eventually but gracefully. Jumelle was soon pulled into a deep sleep.


Alec arrived back at the Cullen house with Jane at his side. She was fully prepared now to face the Cullens. She told Jumelle that she wasn't going to warm up easily, and Jumelle accepted that in complete understanding.

As Alec walked into the brightly lit living room, he looked around for his mate. He spotted her twin sitting on the arm of one of the sofas, stroking somebody's head.

Alec walked over to Renesmee, Jane following along nervously, and peeked over Renesmee's shoulder. He smiled softly as he saw Jumelle asleep on the sofa, Renesmee stroking her hair.

"Hey," Alec whispered. Renesmee jumped in her spot and looked as if she were going to hit him in the face. He chuckled as she clutched a hand to her heart.

"Don't do that!" She swatted Alec's shoulder playfully, and Jane grimaced uncomfortably.

Alec cleared his throat. "Um, is there any way that we could round up all of the Cullens so that Jane can ...?"

Suddenly, the room was a massive blur. When Alec could refocus, he was surprised to see every single one of the Cullens standing before him. Jane gasped, just as surprised.

"There you go," Renesmee grinned. "Rounded them up."

Alec cursed quietly for the lack of soundproof walls that the damn house didn't have.

"Watch your profanity, we have children in the house!" Renesmee scolded. "Continue."

"Um ..." Jane twiddled her thumbs nervously and looked down at her feet. "Well, I guess I'll start off by saying hello," she said finally. Alec smiled smally at her nervousness. The Cullens were surely shocked to find her such a nervous wreck in front of their eyes.

"Welcome, Jane," Carlisle finally spoke up. Jane's crimson eyes moved up and met Carlisle's butterscotch gaze. And she did something that Alec hadn't seen her do for a week or so.

She smiled.

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