Chapter Nineteen

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Alec was back within fifteen minutes. Jumelle frowned in his direction. She was hoping he'd stay at the party and vouch for her.

"You should've stayed," she murmured as Alec sat down on the edge of the bed. He shook his head with a frown.

"No, I'm staying with you today."

"Did you ask Carlisle if he could come?"

Alec nodded. "Yeah, he'll come around tonight. It's all sorted."

Jumelle nodded. "And did you tell them that I'm terribly sorry that I can't come because I'm dying?"

Alec laughed heartily. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry, JuJu, everything's taken care of. Just relax."

She pouted. "Relax with me."

Alec smiled softly and crawled over to lay beside his mate. Jumelle curled into his side and sighed in content. He wrapped his arms around her protectively.

"I wish we could be like this all the time," he murmured as he kissed her hair.

She chuckled. "Too bad we're that awesome that the Volturi can't keep their hands off us."

Alec said nothing, but tightened his grip around her. Jumelle snuggled into him further. The two lay like that for a few minutes before Jumelle's stomach growled loudly. Alec smirked as he looked down at her. Jumelle grinned sheepishly.

"Do you want me to whip something up?" Alec murmured quietly as he kissed Jumelle's hair again. Jumelle shrugged.

"Perhaps." She thought for a moment. "I'll probably just throw it back up, you know."

Alec shrugged. "Better than starving yourself, hmm?"

That said, he got up and walked around the bed. He flashed Jumelle a grin before he disappeared out of the room. Jumelle chuckled and shook her head.

Minutes later, Jumelle heard pots and pans clanging around. She wanted to check if Alec was handling cooking well, but she wasn't feeling the best in the moment. So she let him do his thing, and he was back upstairs within ten minutes.

"Not my best work, but it should suffice."

Alec set a plate of bacon and eggs in Jumelle's lap as she sat up. Jumelle eyed the plate cautiously before glancing up at her mate with narrowed eyes.

"What?" Alec cried defensively. "I swear I did absolutely nothing to those!"

Jumelle narrowed her eyes further playfully.

"I swear on my life, Jumelle, I did not --"

Jumelle laughed. Alec cracked a grin of relief and sat down beside her again. Jumelle picked up the fork and jabbed at a piece of bacon. She shoved it in her mouth hungrily and nodded in satisfaction.

"This is really good," she choked out as she shoved another piece in her mouth. Alec chuckled as he watched Jumelle shovel mouthfuls of bacon and eggs into her mouth.

"You know ..." Alec trailed off after he'd taken the plate back to the kitchen. He eyed Jumelle with a playful smirk.

"What do I know?" she asked with the same playful smirk.

He shrugged. "I was just wondering something. If you're up to something."

Jumelle frowned, confused as to where the conversation was going. "What?" she asked dumbly. Alec chuckled.

"Oh, come on, JuJu. Are you really that sick?"

Jumelle cocked a brow as she caught on to what he was suggesting. He tilted his head curiously.

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