Chapter Six

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Jumelle awoke to the sound of panting and grunting. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned.

"Jumelle?" Renesmee's frantic voice filled Jumelle's ears and Jumelle sat up. She tried to move her arms, but she couldn't. Looking up, Jumelle saw that they were in handcuffs and chained to the cold stone brick wall she was leaning against. "Elle, we have to get out of here!"

Jumelle glanced over at her struggling sister and gasped. She too was chained to the wall and unable to move much. She was fighting against the chains, but it was hopeless. Jumelle could see the fire in her twin's eyes, the need to escape from this dark, gloomy imprisonment chamber. She knew exactly where she and Renesmee were.

Volterra. They were inside the Volturi castle.

"Renesmee," Jumelle breathed. "Don't fight."

"What do you mean?" Ness cried. "What's wrong with you?! We can't stop fighting, we can't lose to them!"

"Ness, you are losing to them," Jumelle told her quietly. "The longer you put up a fight, the longer they're going to keep us here."

Renesmee huffed, finally taking Jumelle's advice and giving up. "Those stupid Jensons," she grumbled. "They tricked us, Elle. And we didn't even know it." She dropped her head in defeat and began sobbing quietly.

"Nessie, look at me," Jumelle snapped. Renesmee glanced up at her sister, her cheeks red and her eyes slightly puffy from the crying. "We will not lose," Jumelle said slowly. "By not fighting these chains, we've already won. We will get out of here. I promise."

"Only so much hope goes into a promise, Jumelle," Nessie snapped. "And that wasn't much."

Jumelle scoffed. "You know, you could've just agreed. It's not hard to believe that we'll get out fine."

"Yes it is!" Nessie cried. "Don't you see? They played us, he played you! There is no getting out of here without a catch."

Jumelle tensed at the mention of Tristen. She honestly thought he was her mate. But apparently not. She thought he cared. She didn't think he'd stab her in the back just so the Volturi could have her. She didn't think he was this cruel.

Suddenly, a bright light entered the dark room the twins were in. Jumelle looked up to see Jane and Alec Volturi, along with Tristen, Vinny, Anne and Marie.

The six vampires strode into the room confidently. Tristen glanced in Jumelle's direction, and Jumelle glared daggers straight back at him. He hung his head guiltily.

"How gullible can you two get?" Jane chuckled. "A coven of strangers shows up in your town and you just befriend them immediately?"

"We were manipulative, Jane," Anne reminded her. "Marie has her talents."

"I know," Jane mused. "You're just awful at this game, aren't you, Jumelle?" She walked slowly towards Jumelle, and all eyes were on the twin. Jumelle glared up at Jane Volturi and huffed.

"How so, Jane?" she asked calmly.

Jane chuckled. "Tristen tells me you thought he was your mate." Jumelle's head dropped but she held her determined expression.

"That's not gullible, Jane," Jumelle told her. "Gullible is falling for a trick easily. That connection was no trick. It was merely bad luck."

Jane huffed.

"She's smart," Alec noted. Jumelle didn't look at him, instead steadying her gaze on Jane, who was still staring intently at her. Jumelle just hoped she didn't try and use her gift on her or Renesmee.

"And you," Jane continued, now walking to Renesmee. "You're the skill that goes with the brains."

"That's one way of putting it," Renesmee murmured. She tried once again to free herself from the chains, but to no avail. Jane watched on in amusement before Marie stepped in.

"They're enchanted," Marie informed her. "There's no way out, unless the binder releases you themselves." Her eyes flickered momentarily to Jane, who smirked evilly.

"And I suppose you're the binder, are you?" Renesmee sneered. Jane tutted.

"You need to learn some manners. After all, it's only necessary that we make something out of you before you see Aro."

"Go to hell," Renesmee spat. Jane smirked again.

"I'm already there," she hissed menacingly. She stood up straight and focused her gaze on Renesmee. Suddenly, Nessie's ear-piercing screams filled the room, echoing. Vinny's face contorted in pain, and he left quickly. Alec and Anne watched on in pure joy, while Tristen and Marie stiffened at the sight.

Jumelle grunted in mental pain from her sister's screaming. "STOP!" she shouted loudly. "PLEASE, STOP!" Renesmee's screaming stopped. "Please!" Nessie's screams had died down to whimpers of after-pain. Jane glanced over at Jumelle and smirked.

"We'll be back later."

- - -

Sitting in the dark, Renesmee and Jumelle were silent. Neither of them uttered a word to another, merely thinking about how frantic their family was right now. Surely they were thinking up some sort of plan to rescue the twins, or at least consult the Volturi and persuade them to let the twins go.

The room filled with light again. Jumelle squinted her eyes in the sudden brightness as Jane and Alec returned alone.

"Here." Jane set a tray down in front of Renesmee and stared at her handcuffs. They clicked open instantly, and Nessie was quick to get on her hands and knees.

Alec placed a tray down in front of Jumelle and Jane walked over. She released Jumelle from her cuffs and she began eating gratefully.

"They look like starving dogs," Jane smirked in amusement. Renesmee grunted in response as she shoved the few peas she had left in her mouth.

Jumelle stuffed a carrot into her mouth and glanced up to where Alec watched over her. Jane was watching Renesmee.

Jumelle made eye contact with Alec and was taken aback. Her vision seemed to blur as she stared into Alec's eyes. Jumelle didn't take notice of anything but the crimson orbs of his. She felt a sudden string connecting them, binding them forever.

Alec looked away, glancing at his sister. Jumelle gasped as she realised what she had just experienced.

Alec Volturi was Jumelle's true mate.

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