Chapter Twenty Two

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I am terribly sorry, but I am going to do a time skip. I hope you guys don't mind.

Also, I'm pretty sure this is nearing the end of it's time. I know it's not a very long story, and I wanted it to be between 30-50 chapters, but I'm eager for this to happen and I also know nothing about pregnancies.

No hard feelings, right?


The past nine months had been great. Alec and Jumelle had become used to thinking of each other as parents. Edward was most definitely pumped for the second grandchild. He was almost as excited at becoming a grandfather all over again than Carlisle was at becoming the great-grandfather to another child.

Jane and Seth had finally gotten together, as many had been hoping. Seth imprinted on Jane anyway, so it was bound to happen one day. Alec thought they were rushing things since they now wanted to adopt a child. He said they were moving far too fast and that Seth was far too young to be a father. Jumelle tried to convince Alec that they were moving at almost the same pace as they were, but considering she and Alec had been together for almost seven years now, he begged to differ.

Everything else was going steady. The couple had hardly any intervenes from the Volturi, but the Cullens all knew that it wouldn't last much longer until after the baby was born. They would very soon want to see how my baby was doing and what kind of hybrid he or she was, if he or she was a hybrid.

Jumelle had asked Carlisle not to have the gender of the baby revealed. She and Alec had agreed on a surprise, and so they had bought white garments for him or her. The couple had an entire room planned and decorated already, now it was just a matter of time before the baby was born.

It had already been nine months since the announcement of Jumelle's pregnancy. Her baby was due any day, and it was currently June sixteenth. She knew she was pregnant on Daniel's birthday, September fourteenth, which means she's known for exactly nine months and two days. Jumelle had been counting every single day from September fourteenth up until then, and it was killing her. The baby was killing her.

She just wanted it to be over.

- - -


Jumelle smiled weakly as Alec sat next to her on the sofa.

"Hey," she said hoarsely. She coughed and clutched her chest afterwards.

Alec frowned. "Does it hurt?" he whispered softly.

Jumelle nodded. "Like hell. I swear, if this child isn't born within the next week ..."

Alec chuckled. "You sound as though you'd die for it in a heartbeat, but you'd kill it before it's born," he mused.

Jumelle frowned. "The baby's not an 'it', Alec," she reminded him for the hundredth time. Alec rolled his eyes.

"Fine. 'The baby', then. The baby's gonna die before it's born."

"You said it again," Jumelle muttered in amusement. Alec rolled his eyes, making his mate chuckle. It was silent for a moment before Alec spoke up again.

"What do you think it's gonna be?"

Jumelle gave him a look. He groaned.

"Can we forget the 'it' and focus on the actual conversation here?"

Jumelle chuckled, clutching her chest once more. "Sure. Well, um ... I don't really know. I feel like he's gonna be a boy."


Jumelle nodded as she remembered one of her mother's lines from when she was pregnant with herself and Renesmee.

"When I picture him I see a boy."

Alec nodded. "Well I see different."

"A girl?"

"No, a gargoyle." He rolled his eyes. "Yes, a girl."

Jumelle chuckled before sighing as she rested her head on Alec's shoulder. "Alice wants to help pick names. I just want one girl and one boy name."

"Well, what do you want for a boy?"

Jumelle shrugged. "Alec," she answered simply.


"Alec. That's what I want for a boy."

Alec blinked. "O-oh. Right. Are you sure, Ju? I mean, there's a whole world of boys' names out there. Are you sure you wanna name the baby after me?"

Jumelle chuckled and met his eyes. "Yes. A little Alec Junior running around. We can call him AJ, if you're really that bothered. But I quite like your name. Short and sweet."

Alec chuckled.

"And I don't suppose you have a name in mind, hmm?"

Alec sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I dunno. I kind of like--"

"If you say Jumelle Junior, I will kick you. I may be pregnant, but I'm still me."

Alec chuckled. "No, I wasn't going to say Jumelle Junior. Although ..."

Jumelle kicked him in the shin. Alec laughed while Jumelle hissed through clenched teeth.

"Don't kick a vampire. Physics," she grunted as she rubbed my foot. "What was your name, then?"

"I quite like Aspen."

Jumelle almost choked. "Aspen?" she managed to say after a few moments of regaining breath. "You like the name Aspen?"

Alec shrugged before he looked at his mate with a smirk. "What? I can't like a simple name now?"

Jumelle shook her head vigorously. "No, no, I just ... What other names do you like?"

"Well, Aspen is my number one spot, besides Jumelle, of course." He winked. Jumelle chuckled. "And I reckon Sophie's probably my second favourite."

"You like simple names." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Alec looked down at Jumelle again. "Is that a bad thing?"

Jumelle shook her head. "No," she mumbled. "No, it's quite cute, actually. Especially for a former Volturi member."

Alec gave her a knowing look. "You were a part of the Volturi once upon a time too, you know."

Jumelle clamped a hand over his mouth. "Ssh ... we don't speak of these things."

Alec laughed heartily as he removed Jumelle's hand from his mouth. He kissed the back of it and stood up.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts, then."

With that, he sped downstairs to talk to Emmett or Jasper, most likely. Jumelle sighed in content and rested her head back on the sofa. She was in peace for a few minutes before a massive pain shot through her pelvic area.

She hissed. "You are a piece of work," she grumbled to the baby inside her. "But I'm glad you finally want to come out."

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