Chapter Seven

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A few weeks passed by, and all the Volturi wanted was for Renesmee and Jumelle to join them. Renesmee continuously told them to go to hell, whereas Jumelle merely stayed silent.

In all honesty, Jumelle wasn't sure. Alec Volturi was her mate, for crying out loud! On the few occassions when Aro, Caius and Marcus visited, Marcus looked at Jumelle intently, clearly trying to figure her out.

Jane and Alec took care of Renesmee and Jumelle for the most part. Alec always gave Jumelle food and watched over her intently, obviously not planning to let anyone or anything hurt her. Jumelle never spoke to him in fear that they'd be separated. She just couldn't handle being separated from her mate just yet, not when the bond was so fresh and new.

Tristen and Vinny visited often. Tristen and Alec would glare at each other competitively. Renesmee hated all of the Jensons for what they'd done, so Vinny couldn't even get close to her without her shouting at him.

Alec hadn't told anyone about him and Jumelle being mates. It would give them all the more reason to convince Jumelle to join them, and he knew by the looks Jumelle gave him that she didn't want that. He respected her decisions whole-heartedly without any hesitation.

- - -

Jumelle awoke to the sound of the cell door opening and then slamming closed again. She sat up and tried to swallow, but it was getting difficult. It was hard being fed only human food. The twins could go little over a month without blood.

Alec walked over and handed Jumelle her food after Jane uncuffed her. She dug in gratefully, and Alec sighed with a wince. He looked as if he wanted to speak to Jumelle, but he didn't want to in the prescence of his almighty sister.

After about ten minutes, Jane left Alec to watch the twins alone. After she slammed the soundproof door shut, Alec rushed over to Jumelle.

"How are you holding up?" he asked frantically. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Alec," Jumelle sighed. He held me in his arms; the first skin to skin contact the two had ever had. They both sighed in relief and sat there together until Renesmee cleared her throat. They both looked to her and saw that she'd raised a brow in surprise.

"Care to explain, Jumelle?" she asked specifically. Jumelle blushed and Alec smirked.

"Well, um ... Alec is ... he's my mate," Jumelle said finally. Nessie choked on her saliva.

"He's what?!"

"Ssh!" Jumelle shushed her. "You're going to get us caught!"

"Sorry," Nessie hissed. "It's just ... wow. I never thought I'd see you with a member of the Volturi, let alone one of the most powerful and dangerous."

Alec rolled his eyes before standing up. Jane hadn't cuffed the twins back up, clearly hoping Alec would watch over them carefully.

But that wasn't the case.

He walked over to Renesmee and held out his hand. She merely looked at it before raising an eyebrow suspiciously. Alec rolled his eyes again. "Do you want to get out of here?" he asked. Renesmee nodded fervently. "Then you'd be decent enough to take my hand." She still seemed hesitant. "C'mon, I don't bite," he teased with a smirk.

Renesmee finally took Alec's hand and he helped her up to her feet. Jumelle smiled at the interaction, though the smile was shortlived as Renesmee drew back her hand quickly after standing up. She wobbled slightly on her feet, not being used to it.

"Woah there," Jumelle mused as Nessie stumbled lightly. Alec made no move to help her any further, merely watching with a blank expression. He looked nervous for some reason.

"Alec?" He turned to Jumelle and smiled.


"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly. His smile faltered as he shook his head.



"I swear," he mused. Jumelle nodded, still unsure of his answer, and leaned back against the wall. She closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

- - -


Jumelle awoke to the frantic voice of Alec whispering her name. She sat up and yawned groggily. "What is it? Alec?" Jumelle was instantly worried at the expression on his face. He seemed worried as well.

"Jumelle, you have to say yes," he pleaded.

"What? Why? Alec, what's going on?"

"Just promise me you'll say yes," he whimpered. Jumelle's eyes widened. She suddenly clicked as to what he was asking her to say yes to.

"Alec ..." Jumelle trailed off, unsure of what to say. "Alec, what about my family?"

"What about your safety?" he countered in a frantic whisper. "Ju, they're not going to let you go until you are devoted to them. Then you can do whatever you please."

"No, Alec, I can't--"

"For me?"

- - -

Kneeling in the throne room of the Volturi castle was the last thing Jumelle planned to do in her life. Renesmee was beside her, seemingly calm. But Jumelle knew better. On the inside, her sister was internally screaming for help and hoping that the Cullens would arrive sooner or later to save them.

"You bow before us today," Aro began. Renesmee rolled her eyes as he continued and Jumelle almost cracked a grin. "As we decide whether or not you are to be freed." Ness looked hopeful that their family was going to show up, but Jumelle wasn't so sure. They'd been in the castle for almost a month now, and surely their family would've arrived sooner than this to get the twins back. Maybe Jumelle would stay here.

"Now for the real question; do you or do you not wish to join the Volturi?" Aro asked. Renesmee scoffed while Jumelle frowned. Her eyes flickered momentarily to Alec, who was pleading with his eyes for her to say yes. Jumelle opened her mouth to speak, but Renesmee spoke first.

"No, we don't," she snapped. Aro smiled sadistically.

"Very well, but let your sister speak for herself," he said, his smile widening. "Jumelle?"

Jumelle swallowed, hard. She was torn between love and hope. Love for Alec, and hope that her family did still care about her. But surely ...

Jumelle looked into Aro's crimson eyes and spoke, her face never faltering and her voice never quavering.

"I accept."

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