Chapter Fourteen

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Alec pulled at his hair before yelling out in frustation. Jumelle grabbed his arms and pinned them down to his sides in hopes that he would relax. But it wasn't helpful whatsoever, as all he did was breathe heavily. And Alec never breathed if he could help it.

"Please calm down," Jumelle whispered. "I don't like seeing you like this."

Alec's eyes flashed black for a moment before his gaze rested upon his mate. His eyes returned to the now natural golden color they were, and Jumelle sighed in relief, releasing his arms. He wrapped them tightly around her and buried his head in her hair.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm just so angry."

"I am too. I'm angry, Alec, but I'm not rampaging about it. I've channeled my anger into forming a plan on winning Jane back from them. It's not the end of the world, you know."

"No, but it will be if they even think about putting a finger on my sister," Alec growled.

"Ssh," Jumelle soothed, grabbing his face between her hands delicately. His face softened into an expression of love as she held his face between her hands. She pulled him in for a loving kiss.

"Get a room!" Renesmee's voice rang throughout the house. "That's not a pleasant noise right there!"

Jumelle chuckled as Alec rose a brow suggestively.

"Alec, don't you want to get your twin back?" Jumelle asked quietly. "Because I wouldn't rest if Renesmee was taken from me."

Alec sighed defeatedly. "I know you wouldn't. It's one of the things I love about you," he grinned weakly.

"Tell me more," Jumelle said quietly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well, I love your scent. I love your voice, your hair, the way you talk. And your eyes. You have the most beautiful eyes."

Alec stared at Jumelle lovingly and she chuckled. "Whatever, Alec."

"No, it's true!" he cried out, pulling her back into him as she pulled away. "The green and the gold mixed together ... it's really pretty."

"Ah ... and I suppose that's the same thing Jacob said to Renesmee when they were deeply in love, huh?"

"Did not!" Jacob yelled.

"Actually, he did!" Renesmee yelled defiantly. "It was just him thinking he was gonna get lucky!"

"It worked, didn't it?" Jacob yelled back to Renesmee as he descended the stairs of his home. He smirked at Alec and Jumelle before running off outside. Jumelle watched as he phased. shredding his clothes. She wondered if Renesmee had to continuously buy Jacob clothes and if she ever got sick of it. Jumelle knew she certainly would.

Jumelle left Alec in the Black house living room alone, to let him think, and trotted upstairs. She found Renesmee in Daniel's bedroom, changing his diaper.

"Hello little guy," Jumelle cooed to Daniel. He babbled at his aunt, making her grin widely. "Whatcha doin', huh? I bet Mommy's getting sick of you. I certainly would be."

"Aww, really?" Renesmee asked, closing the door. "I thought you wanted kids."

"Ness, he'll hear you!" Jumelle hissed. Renesmee shook her head quickly.

"Soundproof walls, these." She smirked as she patted the wall closest to her. "To keep out the baby crying."

"How do you know he needs something at night, then?" Jumelle asked curiously.

Renesmee chuckled. "Oh, Ellie, do you honestly think I'm so stupid as to not have a baby monitor?"

"Oh." Jumelle frowned. "Never thought of that."

Nessie chuckled. "Clearly not. Anyway, I thought you wanted kids?"

"Very funny, Ness, but I never said that."

"Oh, so you don't?"

Jumelle didn't answer her, giving her the satisfaction that she needed. Renesmee squealed, and Jumelle went to shush her but she remembered the soundproof walls. Damn the Cullens and their soundproof nature. They must have many secrets for the need of so many soundproof walls. Jumelle wondered how many soundproof walls were actually in all three of the Cullen family houses.

"Oh, little Jumalec's running around would be so cute!" Renesmee squealed, bringing Jumelle's head back into the real world instead of the wonderous soundproof world.

"Jumalec?" she repeated. "Where'd that even come from?"

"Alice," Ness answered.

"Alice? Alice made up a ship name for me and Alec?"

"Alec and I," Nessie corrected naturally. Jumelle rolled her eyes. "And yes, Alice made a ship name for it. And I will be eternally grateful for that when I persuade you to name your first child Jumalec."

"I am not--"

"It's unisex!" Renesmee said excitedly.

"Haha," Jumelle said dryly. "I almost forgot how to laugh. C'mon, Nessie, the chances of me and Alec having kids is almost zero percent! He doesn't want kids," she muttered.

"How do you know?" Ness asked.

Jumelle scoffed. "How do I not know would be the question. I see it in his face every time he's around kids. He hates them."

"But maybe that'll change if you say you want kids."

"Again, I never agreed to this!"

"You didn't disagree either," Renesmee countered. Jumelle rolled her eyes and threw her head back as her sister continued to ramble on and on about the topic.

"He might change for the better, Jumelle. You never know until you try."

"Oh, I know," Jumelle growled.

"Jacob didn't want kids either," Renesmee said. Jumelle's eyes shot open and she fixed her gaze on her sister.


"Hard to believe, I know, since he was so infatuated with me as a baby," Ness chuckled. "But no, he didn't want kids. At first, anyway. Then I told him I did, and he was willing to give being a father a shot. He changed. For the better, too. I can't imagine my life without Danny in it." She glanced down at her son, making Jumelle wonder.

What if Alec actually did want kids? What if Jumelle had a chance at the family she'd always wanted? Of course, she wanted it with Tristen at first, but that was all gone now. Tristen was no longer living. That was the past.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot," Jumelle muttered, causing Renesmee to go silent. "Nessie?"

"You're actually considering this?" she said slowly.

Jumelle nodded almost regretfully. She could only imagine what her sister's reaction would be if she was told Jumelle was pregnant. "Yeah, I'm considering it. You're right, I do want kids. I do want the happy family I've always dreamed of, and I want it with Alec."

Renesmee squealed ear-piercingly, making Daniel cry. She picked him up and cradled him in her arms, cooing to him softly.

"That," Jumelle said suddenly. Ness met her gaze in confusion.


"That right there is what I want," Jumelle said, pointing at Nessie cradling Daniel and cooing to him. "But I want to wait," Jumelle added, to which Renesmee's growing smile faded.

"Why wait?"

"We need to get Jane back first."

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