Chapter Three

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Within a week, the Jensons had become best friends to Jumelle's family. Anne and Marie had become awfully close with Alice; they went shopping together every other day. Vinny enjoyed spending time with Emmett, wrestling and whatnot.

Tristen was quite interested in Jasper's history, but he was spending the majority of his time with Jumelle. They'd grown closer and closer, and were almost joined at the hip. He'd tried a few moves on her, clearly trying to worm his way into her heart, but she managed to get out of it each time. It was good to know the boy could take a hint.

The Cullens and Jensons were all currently sitting in the main Cullen house living room. Carlisle was at work and Esme was grocery shopping. The rest of them, however, thought it would be a good idea to play Truth or Dare.

Jumelle was glad that the rest of her family respected the fact that she didn't want any sort of relationship with Tristen, or else they -- specifically Emmett -- would dare her to kiss him or vice versa.

"Who's going first?" Edward asked. Emmett's hand shot in the air.

"Ooh, me!" he cried. Edward nodded.

"Alright, Em, pick someone."

Emmett tapped his chin thoughtfully before turning to Vinny.

"Truth or dare, Vincent?" he asked formally. Vinny frowned before choosing truth; wise.

"Alright ... have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Emmett!" Anne shrieked. Emmett chuckled at the girl's expression; she was livid. "Emmett, he's only ... how old are you?" she asked Vinny. Vinny facepalmed with a sigh and shook his head.

"Fourteen when I was turned, sixty-seven now," Vinny answered. Emmett smirked as Anne's face fell, clearly defeated.

"So?" Emmett prompted. Vinny shook his head and Emmett gasped. "Ever?" Vinny shook his head again. "Okay, we've gotta find you a girlfriend."

Tristen looked as if he were fighting the urge to say something, but Anne gave him a look and he refrained.

"Alright, Rosalie, truth or dare?" Vinny asked. All eyes were on Rose; she hardly ever picked dare, but hey. They could get lucky.


Everybody's hope faded and they all pouted.

"C'mon, Rosie!" Emmett whined. "Live on the wild side for once in your miserable life!"

"My life isn't miserable!" Rosalie countered.

"Is too!"

"Not with you around it isn't," she murmured. "C'mon, Vinny, ask something already."

"Hmm ... uh ... I got nothing," Vinny said sheepishly.

"Vinny, my boy," Emmett said, slapping him hard on the back. "The point of truth or dare is for you to have something in mind to ask them after they say whatever."

"I know how to play!" Vinny protested. "I just ... I'm not good at coming up with questions."

"Nope," Tristen agreed. Jumelle smacked his shoulder.

"You're not supposed to be against your own brother!" she hissed. "You're supposed to be supportive!"

"Oh! Um ... no, you ask some good questions ... they're pretty dumb sometimes, but they're good questions!"

Jumelle facepalmed.

"Oh, I got one!" Vinny exclaimed.

"Thank God," Jumelle muttered.

"Okay, Rosalie, have you ever hunted a human?"

Every Cullen in the room tensed, waiting to see if she would answer truthfully or not.

Rose chuckled. "Yes." Vinny didn't press any further on the topic, afraid he'd push a button and she'd flip her lid.

"Alright ... Eddie," Rosalie smiled deviously. Edward groaned.

"Dare," he sighed. Rose grinned maliciously.

"Edward, I dare you to play the rest of the game without a shirt on." Bella's jaw dropped and Edward sighed.

"Really, Rose?" he asked. Rosalie rose an eyebrow to show that she was serious. Emmett and Jasper wolf-whistled as Edward removed his shirt.

"Argh!" Renesmee cried out, shielding her eyes. "I'm scarred for life!"

"Oh, come on, Ness," Alice giggled. "It's not that bad!"

"Not for you! He's your brother, but he's my DAD!"

"Right, fair point," Alice muttered. "Alright, Edward, your turn."

"Tristen," Edward said with a straight face. Tristen grinned.


"Hmm ... I dare you to ... switch places with Jasper for the rest of the game."


"C'mon, Eddie, that's not even that bad!" Emmett protested. Jasper wasn't complaining as he and Tristen switched places.

"Hey Elle," he grinned.

Jumelle pouted, putting her chin in her palm. "Hi," she grunted. Jasper chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

"Marie," Tristen decided. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Jumelle didn't think Marie was one to do a dare from Tristen.

"Okay ... do you like anybody from school?" Tristen asked. Marie snorted.

"No. You know this, Tristen," she answered. Jumelle frowned, glancing at Tristen. He shrugged and Marie turned to her sister.

"Truth," Anne said instantly.

"Okay ... do you like Angel Lentin?"

"We've been over this, Marie!" Anne groaned. "Yes!"

"Wait, you're gay?" Emmett asked bluntly. Jumelle facepalmed again along with Rosalie and Bella.

"Emmett, you don't just ask somebody if they're gay!" Rosalie hissed.

"Yes," Anne answered simply with a chuckle. "Jumelle, truth or dare?"

"Hmm ..." Jumelle thought for a moment. She doubted Anne would dare her something tremendous, but it was still risky. "Truth."

"Who's your favourite family member except for your sister and parents?" Anne asked.

Jumelle's jaw dropped as all eyes focused on her, daring her to not say it was them. It definitely wasn't Alice, that was for sure.

Edward laughed at his daughter's thoughts and glanced at Alice. Jumelle giggled and warned him to be quiet. He nodded, telling her he would say nothing.

Jasper was definitely up there, with Esme ... Emmett was funny, but not funny enough to be her favourite.

"Honestly, I'd have to say it's a tie between Esme and ..." The Cullens were all on edge, waiting for Jumelle to say their name. "Esme and Jasper."

"Yes!" Jasper laughed, clapping Jumelle on the back. "Nice choice, niece."

"What is this mockery you speak of?!" Emmett thundered. "How come I'm not the favourite?"

"You're not funny enough."

"Oh, and Jasper is?" Emmett snorted. Jumelle shrugged.

"You should know by now that I like either funny or quiet; hence the choices Esme and Jasper," she explained simply. Emmett pouted and crossed his arms.

"I hate you. You're not my favourite niece anymore."

"I don't care," Jumelle shrugged. "I'm fine with that, because I know I'm Jasper's."

"Hey!" Nessie exclaimed.

"Oops ..."

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