Chapter Eight

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"Alec!" Jumelle squealed as Alec threw her over his shoulder. "Put me down this instant!"

"Not until you admit it!" he grinned. He began pacing the room, Jumelle still hanging limply over his shoulder. Jumelle propped her chin in the palm of her hand, which rested on his back, and sighed.

"Then we're going to be here for a long time," she drawled.

"I don't mind waiting."

"Neither do I."

A few silent minutes finally passed between the two and Jumelle huffed. Alec knew her patience was limited and used it against her.

"Fine, I admit it," Jumelle sighed finally. Alec chuckled and released his grip on her. She fell back into his lap and smiled at him. He grinned and kissed her neck, trailing a line of kisses down her collarbone. Jumelle sighed contently. "I wish it was always like this," she whispered. Alec mumbled a 'so do I' into the crook of her neck and she sighed again. He pulled away and looked into his mate's eyes.

"You didn't have to admit it, you know. I was just testing you."

"I know," Jumelle muttered. She stood up from his lap and moved to the other side of the bed. She pulled the covers back and slipped underneath them for warmth. Alec chuckled and rolled onto his side, facing her.

"Are you tired?" he asked quietly. Jumelle yawned, answering his question. Alec chuckled again. "Alright, well I'll leave you to sleep then." He went to stand, but Jumelle grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him back down. "You know, for a half and half hybrid, you're awfully strong," he mused.

"Mmm," she sighed, nuzzling into him. He wrapped his cold arm around her waist and pulled her into him. He kissed her hair and she closed her eyes, drifting into a dreamless sleep.

- - -

"Elle. Elle, wake up."

Jumelle groaned, pulling a pillow over her head. "Can't you grasp the fact that I love sleep?"

Alec chuckled. "Elle, Aro requested us."

"Us being ...?"

"You, me, Jane, Felix and Demetri," he reiterated. "We need to be there by eight, and it's seven thirty."

"Five more minutes!" Jumelle groaned sleepily. Alec chuckled and placed a cold hand on her shoulder.



"Get up."


"Do you want to be in under Jane's wrath when we don't get the job and she throws a hissy fit?"

Jumelle's eyes shot open as Alec pried the pillow away from her face.

"Good point!"

Jumelle leapt out of the bed and rummaged through her drawers, finding an all-black outfit to wear to the throne room. After finding a black skirt, black long-sleeved top and black tights to go underneath, Jumelle headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

When Jumelle finished her shower, Alec was waiting for her on the edge of the bed. She smiled at him and he gave her a wink in return. Jumelle shoved her towel into the hamper and grabbed her Volturi crest necklace.

"Can you do this up?" Jumelle asked as she strung the necklace around her neck. She heard Alec's footsteps and his cold hands brushed across her neck as he latched up the necklace. Jumelle shivered, goosebumps erupting on her arms.

"Okay, let's go," she whispered. Alec smirked at the effect he had on her and she whacked his arm.

- - -

"I can't do this!" Jumelle hissed as she, Alec, Jane, Felix and Demetri left the throne room. "They'll hate me!"

"Relax, Elle," Alec soothed, running his hands up and down his mate's arms from behind her in a soothing manner. "We just have to check out what's going on with that hybrid and then we'll come straight back, I promise. You don't even have to go inside if you don't want to."

"No, I want to, it's just ..."

"What? They won't touch you," Felix grunted. Jumelle smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, Felix, but it's not that."

"Then what?"

"I just don't know if they'll take kindly to this entire situation. No doubt Renesmee told them all about us, Alec." Alec frowned. "I just don't want to see their reaction."

"Relax, JuJu," Alec repeated. "If they react badly, we have the boys, and we'll get you out of there as fast as possible. Yeah?"

"Okay," Jumelle breathed shakily.

"Don't worry about it," Jane chuckled. "I'll sort them out."


"I'm sorry, I can't help myself!" Jane apologised profusely. "But seriously, if you need any help ... you've always got us."

Felix and Demetri nodded in agreement with growing smirks. Jumelle looked to Alec, who held a small smile on his face.

"Alec?" she asked quietly. "What's wrong?"

Alec sighed in defeat, knowing she could see right through any lie he'd prepared to tell her. "I'm just ... worried, I guess. I'm worried that you'll choose them ... over ... o-over me."

Never in the six years that she'd been with Alec did Jumelle ever hear him stutter like he had just done. He seemed awfully worried and nervous. Jumelle shook her head lightly and grabbed his hands. She cast a glance at Jane, who nodded knowingly and grabbed the two oblivious Volturi members and dragged them away quickly, leaving Alec and Jumelle alone in the corridor.

"Alec, I'd never, ever choose anybody over you," Jumelle whispered softly. "You know that."

"Yes, but they're family, Elle," he reiterated with a shake of his head. "You know I never wanted to separate you from your family. Never." He shook his head in defeat and Jumelle shook hers as well.

Placing her finger under his chin, Jumelle brought him to look her in the eye. "Alec, I'm not leaving you. Ever. You know that whatever happens, I'll make sure that there's a way we stay together."

He nodded with a shaky breath. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The mates embraced in a tight, bone-crushing hug and when they pulled apart, Alec pressed his cold lips to Jumelle's. Jumelle welcomed the kiss eagerly, deepening it hungrily. He pulled away after a few minutes, obviously remembering that his mate needed air, and pressed his forehead against hers.

"I love you, Alec," Jumelle panted breathlessly.

"I love you too."

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