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You stepped down from the bus at the bus stop near the beach and walked to a public toilet to change from your high school uniform into your waitress uniform. Your uniform was a tight red dress made from cotton with pockets on your hips and a brown apron with the café logo on its left side. You were wearing dark brown flat shoes with short light brown socks.

You worked as a waitress in a café near the beach because you need money and you didn't have a family who would pay for your necessities, your mother died a few years ago and your dad was desperate for your mother's death so he was hospitalized in a mental hospital a few months ago. You had become a waitress since your father was hospitalized.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, then tidied your messy hair and applied thin powder to your face also a pink lipstick. After you were satisfied with your appearance, you left the toilet and walked to a wooden café and opened the "staff-only" door. You went inside and met your workmate and classmate and best friend: Meyasuke Atsuko.

Meyasuke Atsuko or Atsuko, was a cheerful and easy-going girl. She was as old as you and she studied in the same class as you. She had long hair and big happy eyes. She had slim body. She was one of a famous girl in school because of her cheerful personality, her kindness and her singing talent. The only reason Atsuko became a waitress in this place because her parents owned this café and she wanted to work to fill her time. It were her parents too who offered you a job in this café when they heard the news about your parents.

"Ah, you've finally come, [name]!" said her as she smiled. You smiled back at her as a respond—you didn't say a word. You just walked to her and prepared yourself to serve your customer.


"[Name]! It's thirty more minutes to sun set!" reported Atsuko as she looked at the clock on the other side of the room. You gave a smile as a respond. You were a shy girl, so you didn't talk much.

"I know," said you to Atsuko as you focused your look outside of the café window. The window was facing to the west, to the open beach, so you could see the sun sets every evening while you were working. The sky was fading to yellow, ready to set the sun. The clouds were moving far from west, gave you a chance to see the sun set.

You loved the beach—not only because of its sun set view, but also the white soft but solid sand that gave you softness every time you step on it. You also loved to the gentle breath of nature, which always caressed your hair like a mother caress her child's hair—which reminded you of your mother. You loved the ocean too, which always floods every evening until it got your knee. Too bad you couldn't enjoy all of that because you had to work.

"[Name], I really need to go to the toilet. Can you handle this café for a while?" asked Atsuko as she bowed, trying to hold her pee. You saw that she almost couldn't hold it at all. You smiled at her.

"No problem," answered you. Atsuko pulled her breath in relieve.

"Thanks!" said her as she ran out from the café. You put your hands on your hips, smiled and shook your head. Atsuko could be childish sometimes.

When you were going to clean a messed table, a tall—around 195 centimeters—and well-built teenage boy came in. He had black hair and he wore a cap which is adorned near the center with a golden piece with a palm design on its left. The shadow of the cap was covering his face, so you couldn't see him. He was wearing a trench coat-length gakuran with a tall, stiff collar, pierced on the left with a golden chain, with a fitted sleeveless shirt underneath. He was wearing long black pants, two belts and leather shoes—without socks.

He walked to the cashier casually and looked at the café menu which was nailed on the wall. You held your breath when you saw that boy.

It was Jotaro Kujo.

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