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Hello! Jyvy's back! ^^

I'm sorry if I haven't been updating for a while ... school works and other tasks just stole my time to write ><"


OMG I AM REALLY HAPPY!! The exams were a bit hard and I had rivals from many junior high schools >.<

And I was thinking that maybe I should post the original characters in this story

This is Atsuko Meyasuke, [Name]'s best friend and workmate

And this is Makaro Hatagin, the new workmate

Ahahahahahh I know my drawings are horrible but at least their appearance are like that

As for Hadioro Sakiatano, I'll post his appearance after he truly involved in the story in his real form XD

Anyway this is another chapter :3 Sorry if it's a bit long and I hope you'll enjoy it!


While you were running, you bumped to a large man and when you raised your chin, you saw another person with the same figure and face as Jotaro. "[Name]...." he whispered.

"You don't need to pretend anymore. Now I know about everything, Hadioro Sakiatano...." you said as you bent your head, avoid from having an eye contact with him or anyone. You covered your face with your palms as you took a small run to Meyasuke's Café.

Those minutes when you were going to your workplace were one of the most painful minutes as memories played inside your head. Tears dropped from your eyes when you remembered how kind 'Jotaro' was when you were in the amusement park with him, but you realized that it wasn't him, it was Hadioro. And the one who hugged you that night was also Hadioro. A poignant feeling sliced your insides as you gradually accepted the fact that the kind Jotaro was Hadioro that were disguising himself as him.

So that means after all these time ... I had a crush with Hadioro?! Or did I have a crush because of Jotaro's appearance, so I couldn't distinguish which was the real Jotaro that I had crush with? I cannot believe this, you asked to yourself in your heart as feeling of regret began to fill.

Too many incidents happened that week and you couldn't bear to face those sudden incidents. First, you met Jotaro for the first time in the café and that day was the first day when you felt 'crush pains'. Although it was hurt, you could feel a slight excitement in those pains. You could see him face-to-face for the first time in such a close distance. And you believed that Jotaro was the real one.

Second, after you met him in the café, you met him again for the second time at the front of the library in the middle of the night. You remembered his casual style while leaning on the library wall as his arms were stuffed inside his pockets and his face was covered by the shadow of his cap and you could see his face vaguely, helped by the street lights. And a memory played in your head when you were walking together and talked together, even it was only a light topic. You smiled to yourself when you heard a quiet whisper from his mouth, "be careful", that made a little thing inside your chest jumped happily.

Third, you had a dream that Jotaro hugged and cared for you and on the same day, you met your cousin, Noriaki Kakyoin, the one that you thought had died not for a long time. Obviously you were surprised when you heard from him that the hospital had succeeded to heal him and when he told you his journey to Egypt in order to save Jotaro's mother. When that memory was playing, you thought for a moment, does his journey have something to do with Stand that Jotaro told me before? Argh, too bad that I don't have one. I'd love to see Noriaki's and Jotaro's Stand. And I think it's kinda cool to have one to defend myself.

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