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Hello! Wow, I couldn't believe that this story will reach more than 300 reads ... thank you guys fo reading my story! I don't know how to describe how thankful I am for this. I really, really appreciate it. I hope that you all like this story :)

And uuuu it's time for the DATE!! I hope you'll like this chapter ... because this is a long chapter too XD




The house bell woke you up from your nice slumber. You had a good night, but when you woke up, you had something disturbing inside you.

However, you stood up from your bed and stretched to relax your muscles. You took your dark blue jacket which was hanged on your chair and walked to the main door to see who pushed the bell button. To be honest, you wouldn't expect someone to visit you early in the morning.

"Good morning, what can I ...." You stopped your sentence when you saw a man at the front of you. You swallowed your spittle and widened your eyes when you remembered something really important.

It was Saturday.

The day that Jotaro would take you on a date.

Yes, the man who was standing in the front of you was Jotaro Kujo. He was standing casually and his hands were stuffed inside his jacket. However, his appearance looked slightly different from usual. He did use his usual black hat, but that day, he was wearing another black jacket—this jacket looked simpler, with some dark grey collars without chains. He also wore a white T-shirt underneath the jacket. But, he still wore his black pants and his patterned belts.

You turned your back with embarrassment, because you were wearing a dark blue tanktop underneath your jacket and short light brown pants. "Uh ... sorry, I just woke up," you said to Jotaro without looking at him. You could hear Jotaro took a deep breath.

"Then go and prepare yourself. Just wear casual clothes, I'm not going to take you to a luxurious restaurant," demanded him. You gazed at him in curiosity.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"Just shut up and get prepared. I'll wait here," he answered as he lowered his cap and turned his back on you. You pursed your lips and sighed. You hadn't gotten used with his rude words so you felt a bit annoyed. Before you could say another word, he interrupted you, "And, bring one pair of clothes, just in case," with his usual toneless voice.

Stupid date, you thought. But at the same time, you could feel excitement deep inside. You tried to throw away the feeling, but you couldn't.

"Don't wait outside, just come inside," you offered as you opened the door wider, letting Jotaro came inside your house. Then you walked inside and prepared yourself without noticing him walking inside your house and sat on the sofa. You took a shower and chose some clothes. You decided to wear white T-shirt with long blue jeans and denim jacket. You prepared a black T-shirt and blue jeans—following Jotaro's advice—and put them inside your sling bag.

You combed your [hair color] hair as you felt your heart palpitated. You realized that you were nervous to see Jotaro, and you weren't confident of your appearance. You saw yourself in the mirror and the thought that you were an ugly girl came inside your brain. You took a deep breath. What would Jotaro think of you? You asked to yourself. Okay, just for today. This is just a dare. This is just a game.

You took your sling bag and walked outside the bedroom. You saw Jotaro sitting casually on a sofa while he was reading the 'Mysteries Beneath the Ocean' book he read last Thursday. You approached him and gave a gentle cough. Jotaro raised his head and when his eyes met at yours, he lowered his cap—and you could swear that you saw some pink color on his cheeks, and it made you flushed as you smirked awkwardly.

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