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Thank you so much guys for waiting and your patience!! I really appreciate it :') I never thought that you all would understand me and waited for this

As from my gratitude, I will give you all some gifts! ;) As I promised, I'm publishing some new stories and chapters

Once again, thank you so much! Arigato gozaimashita! Muchas gracias! Merci beaucoup! You guys are the best ;DD

I hope you enjoy these new stories and chapters!



The next day, you woke up in the morning with mixed feelings that were clinging inside your mind and followed you on the every step you took. You couldn't believe that the date was really happened. You couldn't believe that Jotaro did hug you and gave you his smirk also his smile last night. The comfort feeling was still covering your body like a blanket, and you had to admit that Jotaro's hug was really warm and comforting. You hugged yourself as you closed your eyes, imagining those arms that were hugging around you were Jotaro's.

You wanted to turn back time to that night and stay under his arms, where you felt safe and comfortable in his tight and warm hug. You wanted to stop time and enjoy that hug for a very long time, using every seconds of it to pervade that rare moment into your heart.

You smiled at yourself every time you remembered that moment. You released your own hug and stretched your arms. You stepped on the floor and walked to the home telephone. You were going to call Atsuko and ask her to meet up with you in her café.

"Good morning. This is [Full Name], can I speak with Atsuko Meyasuke?" you opened the conversation by phone. You heard a giggle from the receiver. You smiled when you noticed the voice of that giggle. The voice owner gave a small cough.

"This is Atsuko herself. What's the matter, Miss Kujo? How was your date yesterday?"

You frowned when you heard her questions and thumped your feet, feeling annoyed when Atsuko called you 'Miss Kujo'. "Shh! Do not call me Miss Kujo. Yes, I'm going to tell you everything about the date yesterday, so I'll meet you up in the café, okay?"

"Okay! Don't forget, Sunday is our free-day of work!"

"Of course I don't," you replied as you let out your smile. Then you put the phone handle as you walked into your bedroom, preparing some things to bring to the café.


You walked casually to the café. While you were going to step inside, you saw a large paper with an announcement, 'NEEDED WAITER/WAITRESS'. You smiled when you remembered that many people visited this café since you used your cream decoration and the café also had a strategic place to enjoy sunset, so it will need more waiter and waitress. You also saw a large poster 'ENJOY YOURSELF WITH DECORATED COFFEE ON WEEKDAYS EXCEPT FRIDAY'.

You pushed down the door handle and came inside. You saw few people were enjoying their breakfast inside the café. No wonder, it was Sunday morning, and who would want to go outside early in the morning at the weekend? Well, maybe some people would, especially to enjoy their time at the beach.

"[Name]-chan!" called someone from your left. You gazed at the voice owner and smiled as you waved your palm. Obviously it was Atsuko. You walked to her table and sat on a chair beside her. Atsuko stared at you curiously, as she rested her chin on her palm. "Soo how was it?"

You gave her a small smile and you told her every detail of the story. How Jotaro was being patient while waiting you getting ready for the date, how generous Jotaro was and how calm and gentle he was to Felice, the lost girl. As you had suspected, Atsuko widened her eyes and squealed when you told her about the hugging scene.

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