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Hello! Jyvy's here! There are three things I need to say before this chapter starts:



I really appreciate your appreciation, and I didn't expect to gain this but I did hope that this story will get some appreciation, since this is my first fanfic [that is posted to public]

Once again thank you verrryy much! ^0^


I'm sorry if you guys received a notification that this story has updated, but then the chapter was missing >.< I did post this chapter on that time, but my Wattpad encountered some errors so after I published this suddenly the chapter was blank!

Sorry about that!


I'm sorry if this chapter reminds you of something >< and this chapter contains some rude words sooo yeah

Anyway I hope you enjoy this! ^.^




I stepped towards the ringing phone phone curiously, although I was feeling really tired just to walk and I was thinking to myself who would call me, but when a thought came that the one who was calling me is Jotaro, I felt like I was "forced" to answer it. Or maybe Atsuko. If she was worried, she could be in real panic all the time and caring too much, like a mother after her child experienced something extremely dangerous, but that was the thing that made me respect her.

After I approached the table, I took the phone handle and placed it beside my right ear as I greeted with an expressionless mixed with a tired tone, "Good evening."

"Good evening, this is from Kogane Hospital, may I ask if you are [First Name] [Surname], daughter of Arumiyo [Surname]?"

I could feel my heartbeat was stopped for a second and a cold sensation flowing under my skin when the question passed through my ears. My body was tensed as the figure of my sick father showed in my mind and imagined the worst. I tried to control my voice and answered, "Yes, I am [First Name] [Surname]. How's my father condition?"

I remembered a few months ago, after the death of Mom, one day in the morning Dad had gone mad. I was so forlorn and confused, so I decided to run to my home phone and called Atsuko's parents. They are the people I can trust, I can rely ... they are my second family. So after I informed them, they came with Atsuko. Mrs. Meyasuke called the hospital team while me, Atsuko and Mr. Meyasuke tried to calm my father.

It was a hard time, because he was really aggressive of every action and every affect on him. I, Atsuko and Mr. Meyasuke had to fall and bump onto things for several times until the hospital team came. One of the members held Dad while the other injected an sleeping drug into his skin and made him unconscious. After those mess and struggles, yet he looked so serene after the sleeping drug spread around in his aged body as the hospital team put him on a spine board and brought him into the ambulance. Me, Atsuko, Mrs. Meyasuke and Mr. Meyasuke got into the ambulance and adjoined my father to the hospital.

After he passed some medical tests, the doctor told me that stress that Dad felt had broke his neuron system, and made him lost control in his actions. He said that he will be taken a good care in there. Kogane Mental Hospital is one of a good mental hospital, so I trusted their treatments.

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