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You were laying your head on your plain white pillow, eyes were widened while thoughts were filling your mind, keeping you awake. It was seven in a fine Sunday morning, and you would usually go to sleep again if it was earlier than eight o'clock, but this time at the time you opened your eyes, your mind had filled with one thought:

Jotaro has left Japan

He's probably in his plane now, flying to USA, going to start a new chapter of his life there, you said in your mind as you gripped the edge of the pillowcase, while you were suffering a hard pressure beneath your chest. Suddenly your stomach growled, asking for some warm and delicious breakfast. You raised your head lazily which was felt as if it was heavier than usual, and dragged yourself slowly to the kitchen.

You opened your food shelf and took a bag of instant ramen, then you took a small pot to cook the ramen for breakfast. You filled the pot with water and boiled it, then you put the instant ramen into the boiling pot. You stirred the noodle reluctantly as if your soul had flew away, and all what was left was only your body, your mind and your brain.

Even when the instant ramen was ready, you lost your appetite to eat it. You were wondering in confusion, moreover ramen was your favorite food.

Why am I feeling like this? I had survived worse, right? I lost my mother, then my father had a mental sickness and joined my mother. Plus, Jotaro left me all alone in my suffering when Dad passed away; he wasn't there when I needed the most; he wasn't there to congratulate me when my articles were accepted in the newspapers and magazine publishers; he asked Hadioro to replace him on that date. Those were worse than this ... right?

Without you realizing your tears were dripped on the dining table, then you put your head on your arms, crying. Ignoring that your breakfast was getting less warmer.



You walked towards the phone lazily and then you greeted with a lazy tone as you put the phone handle near your right ear, "Good morning, this is [First Name] [Surname]. What can I help you?"

"Hey, [Name] ... This is Makaro."

You widened your eyes as you replied, "Ah ... what is it, Makaro?"

"Do you have any errand to do?"

"I guess no ... why?"

"Um ... Do you mind to have a morning walk with me? Just to refresh our minds because ... yeah you know, I guess that I don't need to mention it or else it'll make your mood worse."

You curved a small smile as you replied, "Of course not. A morning walk would be nice. I need some refreshing too so I can collect ideas for my stories."

"Great. I'll go to your house to pick you up then at 10. See you, [Name]."

"See you."


Waiting for Makaro's absence, you leaned yourself on the wall next to your house's gate. You were wearing a simple [favorite color] T-shirt which was covered by [any color] jacket and a [short/long] sport pants with black sneakers, a suitable and comfortable clothes to wear in a chilly spring morning. Suddenly you remembered when you just woke up that morning and found 'Jotaro' at the front door, then you shook your head, tried to get rid of that memory.

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