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I am terribly sorry for the recent chapters! I didn't realize that there had been some errors on the chapter. I didn't read again after I published it, so I didn't realize.

And it looks like the internet in my laptop had made some trouble again, PFFFTT

I was really relieved when I copied this chapter from Word to Wattpad, and after I saved it, the words that had been bold and italic when I edited it in Wattpad still exists, because usually after I saved the chapter, the words that had been bold and italic came back to normal so every time it happens I was like "WHAT ON EARTH AKKHH"

So when I wrote the last chapter I didn't feel anything wrong until I read some of your comments that the chapter couldn't be read.

I am sorry for that!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter


There was a tall man with red hair with a twisting noodle hanging at the front of his face leaning against the classroom's door. He was wearing cherry ear-rings and green school uniform, covering all of his body except some part of his neck, his hands and his head. He was folding his arms at the front of his chest and he was staring at you and Atsuko.

Atsuko was surprised and confused with his sudden presence, but you were extremely shocked until you felt your nerves became fatal.

It was Noriaki Kakyoin, your cousin.

"K-K-Kakyoin...." Said you softly. You were really surprised. You have heard the news about your shy cousin that he died in Egypt with a fatal injury on his stomach. But you could have swear that you saw him leaning casually on the classroom's door. Even Atsuko could see him!

Is this a dream?

"What's the matter, [name]? Are you having a crush on him?" asked him as he let out a chuckle. Your cheeks became redder. However, you were totally confused why Kakyoin mentioned Jotaro before.

"Who are you? Don't you mind other people's business, mind your own!" said Atsuko irritably. Kakyoin chuckled again.

"Oh yeah, you second and first graders haven't known me yet. I'm Noriaki Kakyoin—just call me Kakyoin, I am a second-grader in this school. Well, I skipped a few months here because I was terribly hurt and I was hospitalized in Egypt. But—now I'm back and feeling healthy and happy again," explained him as he put his arms behind his head. Suddenly he snapped his finger, as if he just remembered something.

"And—I am [full name]'s cousin," added him with a smirk on his face. Atsuko was totally surprised, and then she gazed at you with disbelief.

"[Name].... You had never told me about...."

"I thought he was dead!" you cut Atsuko's sentence. You still had that surprised look on your face. Your face became pale as you just saw a ghost and sweat melted on your cheeks. Your heart was pounding fast. You still couldn't believe that it was Noriaki Kakyoin who was leaning on that door.

Kakyoin seemed to know what was on your mind. "You still don't believe it, [name]? Well, I'll give you a proof that I am alive right now," said him as he smirked. He opened his lunch box that he was holding and took out a cherry. Then he put it on his tongue, and did his cherry-licking tradition. Atsuko was astonished seeing him doing that.

You blinked your eyes rapidly and suddenly you ran to him and hugged him tightly. Even the last time you met him when you were in the sixth grade of elementary school, and Kakyoin was still a very shy kid, you loved him as your cousin. You tried to cheer him up when he was down, you tried to play with him when he was lonely, and you tried to be the happiest person near Kakyoin.

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