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"You know, I kind of like your personality. You are much different from the other girls in school. You are gentle, calm, tender, and strong inside. You don't angry all the time, not like me. I think I need a person like you at my side."

That statement of a heavy and low voice made you regained your conscious. You found yourself laying on a bed inside a room with white walls and some chairs, a couch and a wooden closet. You looked around you, wondered who said those words while you were unconscious. You had a feeling that it was Jotaro's voice.

Yes, it was definitely his voice. But when you looked around, you could only see a young man with doctor uniform at your right side, and Jotaro was sitting on a couch at the corner of the room, with his arms were folded and the shadow of his cap covering his face. The couch was too far from your bed, so you threw away the guess that it was Jotaro's saying.

Or maybe it was just a voice from my imaginations, you thought.

The young doctor looked at you with some concern in his eyes. "Oh good, you are awake," he said as he put his stethoscope on your chest and checked your heartbeat. You knitted your brow as you gazed at the doctor.

"Where am I?" you asked.

"You're in the amusement park's clinic room. Your boyfriend brought you here when you lost conscious after riding the Coerce. It looks like that you didn't eat enough breakfast," the doctor explained.

You glared at him when he considered Jotaro as your 'boyfriend'. He put the back of his hand on your forehead and smiled. "You will only need some rest," he added as he pulled back his hand.

"W-what?" you asked. You felt like the world was spinning and it made you feeling very dizzy. You tried to erect your body, but your headache affected your energy. The doctor held your shoulder and shook his head. "No, you shouldn't move too much, Miss. You need to take a rest until you're feeling better."

You knew that you should take a rest, but you were thinking about your time with Jotaro. You could use this time to play another attraction, but instead you were laying on the bed, suffering some headaches and nauseous. And you didn't want to make Jotaro waiting for you just because you were sick.

When you wanted to say a word, Jotaro stood up and interrupted you while he was walking casually approaching your bed, "Just leave and take care another patient, Doctor. I'll make sure [Name] rests," he said as he raised his cap a bit, and his aqua green eyes palpitated your heart and shivered your nerves.

You pursed your lips as you glanced at Jotaro, and then you stared at the doctor, waiting for his respond to Jotaro's impolite offering. The doctor didn't feel annoyed with it, he was just nodded his head. "Alright, thank you ... um...."

"Jotaro, Jotaro Kujo," Jotaro answered as he sighed and walked closer to you, ignoring the doctor's impression when he heard the name. He looked a bit startled that the muscular man who was standing near him was the man who was famous for his bad attitudes. He couldn't believe that Jotaro would treat a girl like you nicely.

"A-alright. I'll pass," he said as he left the room. Jotaro's eyes were following him and after the doctor closed the door, he took a deep breath.

"How long did I lose conscious?" you asked.

"Two hours," he answered. "Now, have some rest, [Name]," he continued without any expression in his tone. You felt your heart was pounding gently when you heard his advice and you could feel that your cheeks were flushed. You stared at your left to hide your red face.

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