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Heya! Sorry that I haven't updating for a while! ^^" I was making farewell gifts for my friends and I had a trip with my family, so I didn't have the time to update ><

Anyway I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!



Your [eye color] eyes were squinted as you could hear the footsteps in the corridor were getting louder, and you were trying to recognize the figure. Makaro folded his arms with a smirk on his face, anticipating the person who was in that corridor as the atmosphere in the room was getting tensed and filled with pressure.

A moment later, you could see a glimpse of a dark brown boots, with the edge of a long dark blue pants. After another step, you could see his whole appearance.

He had a light skin like Makaro, and he had the same dark brown small eyes. However, he had curly and rather messy black hair, his firmness which was curved on his face and his tall height showed that he was older than Makaro. He was wearing a dark blue jeans, dark brown boots, an unbuttoned white shirt with black T-shirt underneath.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you tried to collect memories which involved that person. You felt really familiar with him, but you couldn't recognize him. "Who are you?" you asked in an abrupt tone.

The person gave a grin as he walked closer to you. "I see that you've forgotten me.... Never mind. I was only an ally with a very small role, too small to be noticed," he said as he touched your chin gently. You gazed at your right to avoid his eye contact and to release his touch on your chin. "But how could I not remember that face of yours, even though we only meet once ... and his face too."

You frowned when he stressed the word 'his' as you stared at him, giving a confused look. The person seemed to know that you were confused of his statement, so he continued, "Your boyfriend. I will never, ever, forget his face, ever since I met him in that clinic in the amusement park...."

You widened your eyes as you shouted, "You're the doctor who helped me when I fainted! I-I know who you are! Y-You're ... Dr. Mashiro Hatagin...."

The man who you recognized as Dr. Hatagin gave his grin as he replied, "I'm happy that you've finally remember. Yes, I'm the one who took care of you after you rode Coerce ... before that asshole Jotaro Kujo."

You were about to say that the person who was taking you in the amusement park wasn't Jotaro, but you kept that statement inside, while you asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Before I answer your question, let me tell you something, [Name]...." he said as he looked into your [eye color] eyes.

"A few years ago, I had graduated from a medical school with decent grades, and I had finished all of the medical training. Then, I was given a task to help some medical group to cure patients in Egypt. Of course I accepted the task, since my dream was to help people around the world by curing their diseases, so I joined the group and flew to Egypt. I was so enthusiastic. It was my very first job as a doctor. After I arrived, I've promised myself to help everyone in Egypt who suffered diseases, as long as I could handle.

But then, I failed on my first treatment. The patient had a simple disease, a high fever, but I couldn't save her. Turns out ... that she had some fatal dysfunction in her brain when she had the fever. I was ... really depressed. Her family blamed me for my unforgivable mistake. The group's prestige decreased because of me, and the members didn't trust me anymore. They didn't give me another chance to fix my mistakes and to help people with them anymore.

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