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Hello, sorry for the long updates! I was a bit busy doing homeworks and I had some activities outside Wattpad, yeah.

Here's another chapter of Our Story~



"[Name]-chan," called someone while you were walking on the street, under the tree leaves. You were wondering who called you but when you noticed the voice, you felt that your heart palpitated. He even called you with "-chan" behind it. You were too nervous to look at your back, but you managed to glance at your back.

And your guess was correct.

It was him.

"Oh ... wh-what is it?" asked you haltingly. You were timorous to see him. You seized your shirt's end, your habit if you were having negative emotions.

Jotaro took a deep breath as he put his hands into his pockets. The shadow of his cap covered his eyes. "Where are you going?"

"To the beach café, as usual," answered you. You tried your best to make your voice sounded normal. But you felt your organs inside your body were about to explode when he asked that question. Nobody usually ask you like that before ... except Atsuko.

"You need some accompany," offered him. You bit your lips and turned your back, tried to hide your red face.

"I-I don't really need it, thanks," answered you as you walked away from him. But suddenly you felt your right arm was grabbed by a large hand and it clutched you. You could feel your nerves were tensed and your cheeks flushed.

"Do not go alone," demanded him strictly. You were startled at the moment but then you looked around you, made sure that nobody noticed Jotaro, the bad and cool-headed boy, clutching your arm. Then you tried to release your hand from his grip.

"I'm fine, I have used to it, you don't have to ...." Before you could continue your sentence, Jotaro used his other hand to turn your body until your body faced to his. Accidently you raised your chin and your eyes met his right eye. Your heart pounded rapidly. Jotaro sighed.

"Yare yare daze ... don't you see that I'm trying to protect you?" asked him as he raised his cap, so you could see his pair of green eyes. You were totally surprised when you heard his sentence and you felt that you could faint at that second. Questions filled your head and your feelings were rather mixed. Your heart was pounding fast until you thought that Jotaro could hear it.

"W-why ... you don't have to protect me, I can handle it by myself," rejected you calmly.

Jotaro stared at you as he raised one of his eyebrows. He bowed his head a bit and gave you a slight smirk for a half of a second. "Why? I thought you could guess that kind of an answer ... it's because I cherish you, [name]," clarified him as he caressed your hair.

You were astonished to hear this. You couldn't describe how you were feeling that time. Well, you felt surprised, happy, moved, relieved and many other emotions at the same time. But you felt that your heart was lighter.

Suddenly Jotaro pulled you until you bumped on his torso and then he gave you a hug. "And I do not want to lose you from me," added him.

You chuckled and that time you had realized that you loved Jotaro Kujo. "Same, Jotaro," replied you.



You opened your eyes and then you turned off the alarm clock. You were speechless at the moment until you remembered something. You tapped your forehead and shook your head.

It was only a dream.


You couldn't concentrate since you had that dream. You couldn't heed the subjects in your class. And your head was filled with Jotaro visions and his voice when you had that dream. You tried really hard to get rid of it from your head, but they came back randomly. And then you realized that you couldn't do anything to avoid it.

But the main question was ... are you really in love with him?

Jotaro wasn't your type. You admired a caring, sweet, gentle, kind and a tender boy. It didn't matter if the boy was smart or not, but the boy must had those personalities. Maybe the boy who had those personalities was your beloved cousin. And you tried to get rid of thinking him, too.

And then you've finally managed to write some articles about beluga whales as a distraction from thinking them.


You took a deep breath in relieve. You had just finished your writing just when the break time bell rang. You planned to send it to a newspaper publisher. If you're lucky, you will get an honor from the publisher. A smile curved on your gentle face as you closed the dolphin-covered notebook.

"You've finished it this time?" suddenly someone asked you a question from your right. You held your chest and caressed it after you realized that it was Atsuko.

"Yeah, I've finished it—and next time better not make me surprised again. You will give me a heart attack," advised you. Atsuko laughed and patted your shoulder.

"When are you going to give that article?" asked her after she finished laughing. You went quiet for a while.

"Today ... maybe. If I have some time," answered you. Atsuko nodded her head.

"Mind if I'm giving you accompany?" asked her. Before you could answer anything, Atsuko said again, "Unless if you want to be accompanied by Jojo...."

Your eyes were getting wider. "No! I would rather be accompanied by you!" rejected you as your cheeks flushed. You cursed in your heart because Atsuko mentioned Jotaro at the time when you tried to avoid meeting or even thinking him. You were a bit irritated that he had possessed your mind and concentration.

Atsuko laughed again. "Just kidding, [name]!" said her.

"What's the matter if Jotaro accompanies you, [name]?" asked someone at the classroom door, made you and Atsuko surprised and gazed at it. Your eyes widened when you saw him at the door. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw him at the class's door.



How was it? Sorry it's a short chapter and maybe this chapter is still bad, and I'll try my best on the next chapter! ^^

Stay tuned for updates and I will love some vomments! Your comments will light up my day ;)



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