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"[Name]! [Name]!" whilst you were covered in the darkness you regained your conscious slowly when you heard your name was mentioned. You opened your eyes slowly and raised your head to see the person who called you. Your visions were blurry at the first, and then you could see Atsuko's face. Your eyes were widened in excitement.

"Atsuko! How did you find me?" you asked as Atsuko picked a penknife from her pocket and kneeled down while trying to cut the rope which was tying you tightly.

"It's a long story! We have to get you out first!" she responded. "The rest of us are taking care of the enemies...."

Your eyebrows were furrowed and when you were about to ask, Felice interrupted, "I want to help cutting the rope!" Her small hands reached Atsuko, begging for the knife, but Atsuko ignored her, still struggling to cut the whole rope.

"This knife is too dangerous, Felice-chan. It's fine, I can do it by myself!" Atsuko responded with her cheerful tone to reassure Felice. "Get near to me, don't go outside before [Name] is free."

"What's happening, Atsuko? 'The rest of us'? Do you mean...." you asked after you got the chance to speak.

"Yeah, Kakyoin, Hadioro and Jotaro are here. They're fighting against Makaro and Felice's parents. We're here to save you," Atsuko explained. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait, Hadioro? Jotaro?" you asked. "Thought he was...."

"Damn it, why is this rope really thick.... I hope that my penknife won't break because of this rope...." Atsuko mumbled in irritation. "Yeah, Jotaro is here. He and his mother canceled the flight for some reason. And guess what, Hadioro is actually on our side! When we were searching for you he volunteered to go with us. Of course at the first we didn't trust him, but we gave him a chance," she added.

A few minutes later the rope had been cut and you found yourself free. Atsuko curved her wide smile as she said, "Done! Come on, [Name], Felice!" She lifted Felice and carried her in her left arm with her right arm wrapped her body to protect her.

"How about Mommy and Daddy?" Felice asked in her innocent tone, but you could see her anxiety in her hazel eyes. Atsuko bit her lips, confused to find the good and understandable explanation for Felice as a six years old girl who wasn't supposed to be involved in dangerous scenes like this. You understood Atsuko's feelings, considering that Felice's parents were criminals.

"Don't worry ... we'll see them later.... Do not say a word until I say that we're safe, okay?" Atsuko said as both of you left the room and walked hurriedly through a dim corridor. The wooden floor made some cracking sound while your and Atsuko's steps were landed, but both of you couldn't care less.

"Atsuko," you called her in a whispering tone when a thought came into your mind as both of you stopped walking for a moment and leaned against the wall.

"What?" she responded.

"Are the Hatagin brothers and the Nakuyashi couple Stand users?" you asked her, not worrying that Atsuko wouldn't be confused about Stands since you had explained to her before about Hadioro's trick.

"I guess no," Atsuko answered.

You took a deep sigh of relief. "Glad to hear that.... " you stated with a small smile. "So what should we do now?"

"We're going to escape through the west side's window, ask for some help and bring Felice into my house," Atsuko said.

"How about Kakyoin, Hadioro and Jotaro?" you asked.

"They'll face Dr. Hatagin themselves after they took care of Makaro and the Nakuyashi couple," Atsuko clarified.

You gave her a frown to protest, but then she interrupted, "I know that is rather harsh, but Dr. Hatagin is behind all this, and the three of them are the ones who can handle them. But ... maybe if our guess is correct‒or the three Stand user fellows' guess‒Dr. Hatagin is a Stand user. We just hoped that his Stand isn't that powerful.

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