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In the middle of a burning summer afternoon, on the hard-surfaced narrow street of a housing area, Hadioro had to fight against his rival in a place that wasn't actually a perfect place for a fight. There were many inhabited houses, and the area was known as one of the secluded areas in Tokyo, where unlucky things had happened there, causing the people who used to live there before changed their mind and moved. Only a very few people stayed around the area.

The house where you were kept, was a rather different kind of house than most houses in Tokyo. It had a big garden with hydrangeas bush, a silver birch tree and a green yet neglected wild grasses. It had white wooden fences to prevent the house's area from thieves and a brick-walled house similar to a Western-style house. It was built in the middle of the area and the whole place surrounded by street. This house was actually Mrs. Nakuyashi's old house, considering a sign on the gate with a name "なくやし ルビー (Nakuyashi Ruby)", "なくやし フェリス (Nakuyashi Felice)" and "なくやし 金と (Nakuyashi Kinto)".

Hadioro didn't even feel a slight of matter about the area. He was trying to act as Jotaro Kujo until it was the time to reveal himself, and figuring out how to weaken his determined rival.

"Come on, show your ability, Jotaro Kujo!" Dr. Hatagin dared Hadioro as he made his fighting position, his right arm was bent and his fist was clenched, his left leg took a step back as his face showed his grin, which pissed Hadioro off.

Hadioro gritted his teeth as he ran towards Dr. Hatagin with an average speed, as he summoned Maroon Platform to attack Dr. Hatagin, while Dr. Hatagin summoned Jade Set at the same time. When Jade Set was about to release its wave, Maroon Platform used its teleport ability to move to Dr. Hatagin's behind and send a punch towards his neck, made Jade Set fell on the right side of Hadioro and released its wave towards that direction, missed his target.

Ha! You've missed my target, Bastard! thought Hadioro in his mind, but then he saw Dr. Hatagin's smirk, as if he was the one who was victorious.

"I know you're thinking that I missed my target, Kujo ... but I didn't," he stated. Suddenly Hadioro felt a huge pressure from his right back and fell onto the hard-surfaced ground, but Hadioro managed to grab onto his cap so his disguise wouldn't be exposed yet. Dr. Hatagin walked closer to him with his usual smirk on his face.

"Jade Set does control waves, but not as freely as what I want. If you had paid attention in Science in school, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about...." he said as Jade Set was going to close the distance between it and Hadioro.

Shit, I have never put my interest in this kind of subject in Science during school. I'm sick of the fucking formulas and stuff ... Damn it, what does he mean? cursed Hadioro in his mind as he stood up carefully even though he felt that his vision was spinning and his head was heavy. Hadioro could guess that Jade Set had released a radio wave, since it had made him dizzy and nauseous.

"Your face shows that you have no idea what I'm talking about, Jotaro Kujo," Dr. Hatagin stated with a smirk. "Interesting ... A man who had killed Dio with his Stand's ability and his brain intellect, doesn't understand what I'm talking about ... prepare to be defeated...."

Hadioro gritted his teeth as he frowned, pissed off with Dr. Hatagin's last sentence. He summoned Maroon Platform and used its ability to teleport to Dr. Hatagin's behind again but before Maroon Platform even had the chance to punch him, he fell again due to wave shock. Jade Set had reflected another wave against Hadioro.

Hadioro clenched his fist furiously while showing calm attitudes as he stood up slowly to fight again. Even though the pain had made him suffer inside, but his determination to help finishing his rival had burnt the fire deep inside him. "Bastard ... you're not getting away with this...." he muttered as he summoned Maroon Platform and walked slowly closer towards Dr. Hatagin, who was letting Jade Set release another wave.

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