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You were quite surprised when you saw Jotaro took a couple of money from his pocket and gave it to you as the payment. He had much money in his pocket, and you wondered how he had that much money, but you couldn't imagine that Jotaro stole it from people. He wouldn't do that, you thought. You smiled when you received the money and gave him the bill.

"Thank you," said you to him. Jotaro didn't say anything but lowered his cap and left the café. You took a deep breath and shook your head.

What made you confused was ... why your heart was pounding hard every time you were near Jotaro Kujo? Why did you feel a warm feeling in your chest every time your eyes meet his?


You left the big building and closed the door gently. You held an ocean-life science book. You were in the mood to write articles about facts about fishes. You planned to send them to the magazine publishers. You loved to write something: letters, articles, analyzes, stories and poems. You often write fables about the sea life.

It was night, around 9 P.M. It was really dark and cold. But you were used of this, so it didn't mind you at all. The lamp posts were shining dim, and the street was really quiet. Some of the building had turned off their lights, some were not. There were hardly any people passed by. Sometimes you don't like quiet places—things would be really shocking in quiet places.

"It's not good for a young woman like you, walk around in the street at night," said someone. You were really surprised until you dropped the science book. Your hands were shivered. You were really scared until you couldn't move or respond. You were just standing there like a frozen statue. Suddenly you felt like your nerve stopped working, so you couldn't know who had that voice.

The voice owner took a deep breath. "Yare yare ... don't you just stand there like a statue," continued him. When you realized his voice, the ice that had covered your nerve melting and your heart pounding fast. You looked at your back and you saw him, leaning his back on the library wall with his arms crossed at the front of his chest. His cap covered his eyes.

You took a breath in relieve. Questions filled your head such as : Didn't he left the café a few hours ago? What is he doing near the library in the night? How long did he lean his back there? What did he do after left the café? "I'm sorry. I thought you're ... never mind," said you.

You looked at him, and then you realized that his eyes were staring at you too. That warm feeling came back again. "Well, excuse me, I'm going back home," continued you as you picked up the ocean-life science book and walked away, tried to get rid of Jotaro.

"You need accompany," said Jotaro as he walked closer to you. He put his hands in his pockets as he was walking closer to you. You stopped walking. Your heart was pounding faster when you heard that sentence. You could feel that your cheeks blushed.

But then you blamed yourself for that. He's still a cold, bad boy for you.

"I don't need to, I have used to it, thanks," rejected you as you continued walking.

"It seems that you cannot reject it ... this is the road to my house," said him. Your eyes got wider when you heard this sentence. That would mean that your house was near to his house too. You could only nodded your head as a respond. Jotaro walked slowly but closer next to you.

"You worked in that café, didn't you?" asked him. You felt you heart jumped from your chest when you heard this question. Jotaro asked you something!

"Y-yes," answered you.

"Mind telling me your name?" asked Jotaro as he stared at you while he was walking. You felt more than surprised when you hear that question.  You bowed your head, you were too shy to look at him.

"No, I-I don't. I'm [full name]," answered you. "You're Jotaro Kujo, right?"

And you blamed yourself again of asking that. Jotaro raised his eyebrows. "Have we met?" asked him.

"N-no. Not really. I know you from my friend ... you are a third grader and I'm a second grader. We are in the same school," explained you. Jotaro nodded his head. You and Jotaro walked in silence, none of you opened a conversation—well, you wanted to speak with him, but you couldn't find a good topic to speak and you were too shy to speak with him. Jotaro looked at the right side, looked the dark buildings across the street while you looked on the street under you. You hugged your science book tightly.

"Which class are you?" asked Jotaro suddenly.

"2-B," answered you. Jotaro nodded his head again. You thought at the first that he would come for a visit to your class just to meet you, but you threw that thought away from your brain. He won't waste his time on a shy girl like you, thought you.

Jotaro glaced at the ocean-life science book on your hand. "Do you like reading books?" asked him.

"Not really, I usually read books about ocean life et cetera," answered you, and you looked at the front of you, not Jotaro. Jotaro looked at you. He stopped walking.

"Do you put your interest in marine life?" asked him as he raised his cap so you could see his pair of light green eyes—but you managed not to stare him in the eye.

"Yes, I do," answered you. Jotaro stared at you for a few seconds and then he lowered his cap again and put his hands in his pockets. You frowned in confusion of his question. It's not usual for a cold and quiet boy like Jotaro asks you some questions.

"Do you?" asked you. Jotaro didn't give any respond, and he managed to continue his walk. His cap was still covering his eyes.

"Yes," answered him without expression. You nodded your head and gazed to the left, the opposite direction of Jotaro's face. Both of you didn't say anything after that. Silence and night winds had filled itself in the space between you and Jotaro, and somehow you couldn't stand of this cold silence. You just found a topic to speak and you gather all of your bravery to look at Jotaro and spoke to him. Although you could only see his ear, cheek, lip and some part of his hat.

"Which university will you choose?" asked you. Jotaro shrugged as his hands were still in his pockets. He didn't gaze to you.

"Who knows? Even I am not sure of myself," answered him without expression. You hugged your book even tighter.

"If you are really interested in marine life, you should study in marine biology department," suggested you. Jotaro stared at you deeply, and it made your heart pounding faster.

"And which university is that?" asked him after he stared at you for a few seconds. His voice was flat and expressionless, but somehow it went into your heart and warmed it.

"Em ... I forgot, but I'll search it for you," answered you awkwardly when you realized that his eyes were still on you. "I-I need some information for that also, because I am planning to study in marine biology department too."

Jotaro didn't look away, instead he even stared at your eyes even deeper. You could even see his pair of green eyes. You felt that you were sweating. It was cold outside, but you felt hot inside. "I-I don't mean to follow you! W-well, I am interested in marine life since I was a little girl. And I'd like to know and find about it more. Th-th-that's why!" explained you haltingly.

Jotaro nodded his head and touched the edge of his cap as he sighed. "It seems that we happen to have the same interest," said him.

"Y-yeah," answered you. Suddenly you realized that you had arrived at an intersection. You felt a bit ashamed that you should split with Jotaro there. "Well, I think that we'll split here. I have to turn left," said you. Jotaro nodded his head.

You turned to the left and walked along the road. Even though you were around a meter from him, you could hear him mumbled, "Be careful" that made your heart pounded fast. You felt your cheeks became red. Luckily Jotaro wasn't there to see you blushed because of a simple sentence that was said by a quiet man who didn't really care about girls.


Well? How about that? ^^ I am sorry for mispelling grammars, once again English is not my main language, so sometimes I am wrong with my grammar XD I will love for some vomments, thank you!

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