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Hello all! It has been three years since this story had finished its main storyline. My younger self would be really surprised to know that her story has become quite known in the JoJo fandom in Wattpad. I cannot thank you enough to you all for reading this book! 

Things have been really hectic in high school life after I finished this (apparently college life is also hectic) but I decided to write notes and announcements here. 

Before that, I have reviewed all of the chapters in this book, and to be honest I was kind of confused and grateful that this book is loved despite its rather childish writings and mistakes in writing the characters' personality especially for [Name]'s attitude towards Jotaro (?) So yeah, when I wrote the chapters of this book in 2016, I was fourteen years old (God was it that young? Now I'm eighteen!), studying in my last year of junior high. That time, I couldn't recognize genuine romantic love (but I did mention in the synopsis that [Name] was having a crush though), so please forgive me for the mistakes in the book! Once again, I thank you VERY MUCH for you who have read the story until the end. 

 Nevertheless, given the success of this book on Wattpad, I have been considering to actually publish this book offline / printed form. There are several local publishers in here that allow publishing stories independently. So this printed form will be slightly different than in Wattpad, which are:

1. Slight changes of language style, grammar fixes

2. I will probably change story a little bit (perhaps deleting the part where [Name] desperately tried to approach Jotaro because GOD YEAH it's so embarrassing, my younger self WAS desperate for romantic love) 

3. Adding bonus stories about [Name] and Jotaro's life pre-marriage, during marriage, and Stone Ocean! 

This is only an idea though, what do you think? To be honest I was thinking to make an online survey but I'm still lazy lmao XD Please write your thoughts!

By the way, I've been reading all of your comments in this book and I'm totally entertained by them! It's really fun to see your reactions, and heartwarming to read your compliments about this book <3 Thank you so much for reading! 

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