Twenty One

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Heartbreak. Emptiness. Sorrow. Anguish. Disappointment. Regrets. Feelings that you were suffering since you heard the news, breaking your mood to do anything except crying for his death. You were trying to avoid things that reminded you of him‒although actually the both of you didn't spend time on each other too much, but there were many things that reminded you of him.

Therefore you have tried to fill the holiday with your usual activities: writing, take a morning exercise, reading‒spending your time before the senior year of high school. However, you felt something very different every time you did those activities, which would drop your tear for some reason.

I have to move on, you thought as you wiped off your tear while writing your fable and took a deep breath. I have to be strong and keep thinking positively like Atsuko had advised. I'm sure Jotaro dislikes to see me wasting time crying, even though he might doesn't have any feelings for me....

Then you found yourself finishing the fable on that day. A smile was showed on your face, hiding a great pain deep inside. You leaned yourself against your chair, your eyes were staring at the ceilings. There was something missing inside of you, as if that there was a piece of you that would make you motivated and thinking positively, has disappeared.

You walked towards your bed and then stared at the ceilings again. Silence was your closest friend ever since you closed yourself from people to recover yourself from your lost. Deep inside, you missed Jotaro. Even you didn't really have a relationship with him, the memories you had with him were haunting you for days. His figure. His eyes. His voice. His attitude. His behavior. His attention. His determination. His smile.


"[Name]! [Name]!"

After the voice got into your ears you felt a slight slap on your cheeks as you opened your eyes quickly and sat up straight. A slight sigh escaped your nostrils when you found out that it was Atsuko who woke you up.

"What are you doing here ... Atsuko.... It's early in the morning...." you groaned as you laid down on the bed again, searching for some peace and comfortable moments in your sleep. But then Atsuko pulled your blanket away as her action exposed your legs, then she pulled your hand harshly as you were dragged towards Atsuko's position.

"Wake up! Wash yourself and change your clothes! And I don't want to hear any excuses or questions," she said in an excited tone.

You furrowed your eyebrows in curiosity and confusion as you found yourself walking towards your closet and opened it, revealing your pile of clothes. You took a [favorite color] T-shirt and a pair of jeans. You saw Atsuko's dark brown eyes were twinkling in excitement when you chose the clothes, which made you curious even more. "What's the matter?" you asked.

"Just do what I say! I'll be waiting in here, watching you, if you don't, I'll wash you like a little kid," Atsuko replied with her bossy attitude.

"Alright, alright," you respond as you brought your clothes into the bathroom, wondering what was going on in Atsuko's mind?


"Come on, come on!" Atsuko said as she grabbed your wrist and pulled you downstairs. Both of you arrived at the dining room, and your eyes were widened due to the unexpected view.

Hadioro and Kakyoin were standing near by your dining table while clapping their hands and cheering, "Happy birthday, [Name]!" A [favorite cake] cake was on the table with seventeen candles on the cake.

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