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Ahh feels good to be back! :D And I'm really glad that the exam is over

Now I'll just wait for the result this Saturday

I hope that I'll be accepted in that school >.<

Anyway, I didn't publish this chapter because ... yeah I think this is the worst chapter in the whole story (?) and due to someone's birthday (and she's reading this too) so I don't want to ruin her day because of this chapter ><"

Oh yeah, I forgot something

I also write in archiveofourown.org so if you guys read in that website too you can visit my account there! My account in there is Jyvy_Chan

Well the stories that are published are the same as in here lol

And if you don't mind, go and check another books that I have published in here :DD

I see that many people say that I'm a great author and my story is really amazing, but let see what will they react to this chapter

Okay just ignore it and enjoy this chapter!! :D


"N-no way ... h-how ...." you asked with a whispering tone in incredulity. You looked back and front for several times, still drown in disbelief of what you saw. Then you stared at the person who was dragging you. Shock filled your mind besides incredulity and shivered your insides. Even though the person didn't even look at you, or even gave you a slight glance, you had a familiar feeling with the person as if you had met him somewhere. No, you weren't feeling familiar, you knew this person.

"Wh-who are you?!!" you asked in dismay. The person gazed at you but you couldn't see his face, it was covered by the shadow of his cap. Your heart was beating hard in fear. He looked so similar. His body, his height, and how he moved and gripped you. But somehow, you felt a slight of happiness inside of you. You were desperate to take off his cap to see who was the person.

The person didn't say anything and then glanced back at his direction. He was just dragging you like you were a bag of trash that was about to be thrown away. He didn't care that your knee was chafed because it was scraped by the street. You groaned in pain when your skin was exfoliated and made your blood bleeding.

"S-stop! Where are you taking me?" you shouted. Just when you spitted out those words, you arrived at a dim corner between two buildings so your and the person's figure who dragged you were covered by the shadow it the buildings. The person let out of his grip and stood at the front of you. Although the place was a bit dark, you could see that his stare was focused on you.

"I had told you not to do that, [Name]," he said in a cold tone as he took some steps closer to you. Cold sweat dripping from your forehead when his tone brushed into your ears. You knew his voice very well. Your heart was beating faster and harder in shock and disbelief of the fact.

"No ... no way.... You're not ... how ...." you whispered as you dragged yourself further from him, trying to avoid him. "Reveal yourself! Take off your cap! I want to see your face and convince myself!" you yelled in fear.

The person took a deep breath and walked even closer but slowly. "Fine," responded him as he took off his cap when he stepped on a place that was shone by the sunlight, so you could see his appearance clearly. You held your breath, surprised when you saw his face. Your guess was right.

That black and messy hair. That thick and black eyebrows. Those aqua green eyes.

"Jotaro??!!!" you gasped in shock. You blinked your eyes rapidly in confusion. Yes, it was obvious that it was him. But you remembered that the one who was about to kiss you was Jotaro, and the one who suddenly dragged you from behind was also Jotaro. So which one was Jotaro?? Why were there two of him?

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