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Since that incident, you've gone lost in perturbation. You couldn't comprehend his action yesterday. That scene had affected your mind and your focus flew out nowhere. Jotaro was a kind man last Saturday when you went out for a date with him in the amusement park, and you couldn't understand his sudden change of personality. You were walking in the street after school as questions flowed inside your head. And you were also forlorn because Jotaro had emphasized you not to get closer to him ever since.

Tears slowly filled your eyes when you remembered that date again. He had given you lovely memories, and then he shattered it just because you tried to make him stop the fight. Was it your fault? Was it his fault? You were perplexed so you didn't notice where were you walking.

Suddenly, you bumped to a large man. You were really lost in your perplexity so you didn't realize at the first whom did you bump to. You blinked your eyes rapidly and tried to pull yourself back to reality. After you gained back your realization, you said, "I am sorry! I wasn't paying attention where I am...."

As you let out those words from your mouth, you raised your chin and stared at the person's face, and your face had become pale. You took some steps back and you were tensed when you realized who it was.

Yes, the person was Jotaro Kujo.

You were shivered and your heart palpitated. You felt another mixture feelings again. Somehow you were pleased of his presence, but at the same time you were aghast and dejected at the same time. You were trembling as you took some steps back. His anger and shocking action that time came back inside your head and sliced your heart. His yell of eviction echoed, and it made you felt a poignant feeling deep inside your chest, made you yelled in anguish deep inside, but on the outside, you were trembling and stared Jotaro with indescribable look.

Jotaro didn't give any respond. He didn't yell, move or say anything. He was only standing there, staring at you with his hands were stuffed inside his pocket. "I-I'm sorry, J-Jotaro-san! I didn't see where I was walking ... Sorry!" you said as you bowed at him and took a small run.

When you were about 3 meters from him, you heard him called you, "Oi, [Name]!"

You were startled for a moment. The day before that time he demanded you not to get closer to him until he 'pushed' you until 6 meters far. But then, he just called you like nothing had happened before. You turned your back as you kept those mixture feelings inside. But you were only staring at him, your mouth was closed tightly and waited for Jotaro's next sentence.

He stared at you for a few seconds, and then he walked closer to you.

"F-forgive my actions yesterday ... I didn't consider my actions, and I didn't mean to push you away...." apologized him as his aqua eyes were staring you deeply, it looked so deep until you felt your heart was pressed down. You were bemused of his apologize until you couldn't find a word to respond. He had hurted you yesterday and made you in deep rack, and then he asked for an apologize!

However, you felt that your little heart had whispered you to forgive him for some reasons, and you knew that you had to do it. You closed your eyes for a moment and opened them again. After you had gained your courage you stared at his aqua eyes. "I forgive you, Jotaro-san," you expressed what was said deep inside your heart.

Unexpectedly, you found yourself in another hug and you felt your heart was palpitating as crimson colored your face. A few seconds later Jotaro released his hug and held your shoulders.

"Let me accompany you to the café," he offered you with a gentle tone. You couldn't refuse him and your head was nodded to respond his action. And then you found out that you were walking together with Jotaro, and surprisingly, the street was deserted so it was only the both of you who were in that place. You curved a coy smile to yourself as you felt your heart was beating hard. It was a rare moment, found out alone with your crush in a place, anything can happen at times like this.

A few minutes later, Jotaro stopped and looked at you. "When do you usually start work?" he asked.

"Usually I work from a half to three," you answered. Jotaro nodded his head as he walked closer to you.

"Good. We still have time," he said as he held your chin gently and raised it until you could stare his aqua eyes clearly, even though his left eye was covered by the shadow of his cap. You were really surprised when he did this action and you were truly didn't expect this to happen. You closed your eyes, desperate to know what would happen next.

You felt your heart was beating loud, it was really loud so there was a possibility that he could hear the beat. You felt that your face was colored in thick crimson and your body tensed as a gentle breath exhaled on the top of your nose. Your blood was flowing faster as you felt his skin became closer to yours and you felt like a strange heat covered your face. You felt like being squeezed by time, held you and sliced you as you were waiting for Jotaro's action.

You have been waiting for this, [Name], whispered you inside your mind. While trying to comprehend and guess what would he do a few seconds later, your body became weakened as as if it had given up to defend yourself from his action.

When you felt his lip was 2 centimeters from yours, you felt your right hand was gripped by a big and coarse hand that made you dragged further than Jotaro. You opened your eyes and gazed to the person who dragged you. Your mouth was opened, and words of complaint were about to spit out from it but then you couldn't say any word when you stared at the person who dragged you. You were totally shocked and confused so you felt like you could faint that time.


Ahahahahha yes this is a short chapter and I was about to make a cliffhanger in here lol XDD But I had promised you that I would spam chapters so this won't be too suspense lol XDD

Ughhh I am sooo deadlocked while trying how to describe the feelings when Jotaro was about to give his kiss and I was trying to make the language style a bit different, so forgive me if I have some mispelling grammars in there XDD 

Wait for the next chapter, and let's see who was the one that dragged you... *smirks*


I'm terribly sorry for this ... the exam will be hold at 20th November and I have to study hard for it >.< so I can't post new chapters until the exam is finished :(

I hope that I'll be accepted in that school >_<
Well that's all!

See you guys later!


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