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Maybe it is the way he constantly taps his pencil against his desktop only a few inches away. Maybe it is the limitless amount of low-pitched hums always passing through his lips. Maybe it is the way he rolls his eyes at any teacher when he is the one called to answer the question. Or maybe, this is a long shot though, it is the annoyingly well-put-together clothing he wears daily.

But there is just something about Luke Hemmings that Georgia cannot stand.

Sure, some days the annoyances are bearable. Like today, for instance, Luke is simply leant over with his elbow bent on Michael’s desk as they speak about band practice this upcoming weekend. Every now and again he will reprieve his noisy actions to speak to Michael Clifford, who sits in the seat across from him, just a row over from Georgia, but that doesn’t mean he is quiet about it. And maybe other days Luke will actually do his work in class, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t ask for the answers to anyone willing to fling them his direction.

Which, thankfully, Georgia is not willing to do.

So why can’t she do something about Luke Hemmings?

Maybe because she doesn’t think Luke is worth her time. Or it is also possible she’s afraid that if she talks to him, he’d bite her head off. He’s one of the most popular kids in school and can get away with practically any type of felony on school grounds. He has the teachers and all the students either too scared or too schmoozed to do anything about his slightly reckless behavior.

Georgia sometimes lets her mind wander to why Luke ever moved to the smallest part of Tennessee with his best mates five years ago.

Even though she’s thought about it, she’s never warmed up to any of the four to ask about the shift in scenery. Why did they choose Tennessee over Australia? Weren’t there hot girls in hardly any clothes over there, and not to mention they actually have accents in the down under? Georgia almost lets herself giggle at the thought. She taps her chin with her index finger as she begins to think of what kinds of circumstances would cause the four to move. But a shrill voice breaks her from her thoughts.

“Miss Rosenberg?”

Georgia’s head lifts quickly and she looks the teacher of period six – Mrs. Hinote for English – directly in the eyes and holds the contact, silently asking what she wants.

“I asked ‘what purpose does an adverb serve’, Georgia. Surely you heard me, dear?”

Mrs. Hinote, the ever-present nuisance. She’s one of the teachers that are constantly picking on the students who don’t have their hands raised and making sure to avoid those who do. She enjoys giving special treatment to the popular students; the jocks, the cheerleaders, etc.

Luke Hemmings just happens to be one of those people.

“Sorry Mrs. Hinote,” Georgia apologizes with a smile. As she continues, she makes note of the fact that Luke and Michael aren’t paying any attention to the class and that Mrs. Hinote refuses to address his loud mouth. How can she not hear him? Georgia asks herself, holding back an angry huff. He’s literally a seat behind me. He’s being louder than I am! “An adverb serves the purpose of modifying or adding some type of description to a verb.”

The frown on Claudia Hinote’s face proves to Georgia that her teacher wasn’t expecting her to answer correctly.

“Perfectly answered,” Mrs. Hinote responds in a sickly sweet tone with one of the largest fake smiles Georgia has ever seen. “Well, class, the bell is about to ring, so I’m not going to give out the homework for tonight.” A chorus of shouts echoes in the small room, causing Mrs. Hinote to press her palms over her ears to muffle the noises. She chuckles to herself and Georgia can feel the people’s bodies getting closer to hers as they begin packing up for the day and shifting toward the exit. “Oh, class, don’t forget,” she trails long enough to flash a smirk to Luke sitting directly behind Georgia, “There is a soccer game tonight against the Eagles, so try your hardest to make it!”

As if planned, directly after Mrs. Hinote finishes her shameless plug for the soccer team, the shrill bell rings. Georgia pushes out of her seat and weaves through the bodies of the other students to get to her locker.

This is just the beginning of the transformation.

(A/N): All right, so this is my first official fanfiction that I'm going to attempt to do for 5 Seconds of Summer. I hope you guys like it :) I'm already a few chapters in, but I'm editing some things and changing some stuff around and adding a bit more sadness/emotion to the plot. 

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