Chapter One

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“God,” Georgia mumbles as she takes her last steps toward the bright blue locker. “Why did I have to get the one nearest the bathroom?” She presses her forehead to the cold metal and sighs, closing her eyes and trying to be calm. Other words are running through her mind as she lifts her head from the comfortable position and her fingers fumble with her combination knob. Just as she goes to flip the last number, she’s sidetracked by the restless shifting of feet and familiar voices just up the hallway.

“Julie, c’mon.”

Ashton Irwin.

His curly light brown hair is, as usual, flopped over his forehead, but he can't seem to keep his fingers out of it. Ashton's eyes look gray from afar, intriguing Georgia in the slightest, but they don't look calm or even angry, just annoyed and slightly perplexed.

"Actually," he speaks again, interrupting the girl from starting to talk, "this..." He gestures between their two bodies which are becoming increasingly farther apart. "Whatever you thought was here, isn't here anymore. I've been trying to please you for two months, and I can honestly say its two months of my life I'll never be getting back." Julie's blonde hair shields her face from Georgia, but she's sure by the shaking of the girl's shoulders that she's beginning to cry.

"B-but, Ash," Julie protests, but Ashton simply steps away. Georgia's heart twinges with a small amount of sympathy for the girl. Break-ups certainly aren't easy, and Georgia's had her fair share of them. She cringes, but hides half of her face behind the door of her locker, trying to telepathically send her condolences to Julie.

Ashton’s hand rises in the air, and for a second Georgia thinks that he’s going to slap the poor girl. But her heart stops flopping in her chest when he juts out his index finger and coughs before speaking. “No,” he says sternly, any kind of the regular joking tones flooding from his voice. “Julie, do you not realize what you did to me?” He waits a few moments to see if she is going to try and respond, but it seems that Julie realizes that the question is merely rhetorical. He scoffs before continuing, “You can’t just assume that everything with boobs is going to steal me away from you.” By now Julie’s arms are crossed over her ample chest in order to make her body more appealing, but Georgia can’t help but notice that Ashton’s eyes are trained in on her make-up stained face.

In an effort to tear herself away from the drama show just a few feet away, Georgia taps lightly against the locker next to hers and pokes her head into the small space, shielding her from the impending fight. She allows herself to think about whether or not she should linger long enough to hear the end results of the bickering between the two, or just leave and pass Ashton on the way out.

No matter how many ill feelings she held for Luke, Georgia had always had a soft spot for Ashton.

She never could pinpoint why she liked him because he was always just a generally good person. Ashton's smile just happens to be contagious, and the dimples carved into his cheeks and his worthy-of-envy straight teeth don’t help either. Maybe it wasn’t his smile, though. After seeing him around and about for five years, Georgia has also been privy to the path puberty took Ashton down. His body had become more cut over the years, bulking up slightly with muscles from working out, playing soccer, and investing so much time in music - mainly the drums. It is also possible that his boyish charm reeled her in on Freshman Day at Remington High School. He was her group's tour guide around the campus for the day. Even though she'd been there a thousand times with her brother, James, her parents still insisted she went. Georgia faintly remembers them saying something about 'bonding with her fellow classmates'. Looking back on it, she doesn't regret it because that was where she met her now best friend Penelope Hoffburger.

In conclusion, seeing Ashton now in an argument with a very attractive female that didn't look like it was going to end well put a cheeky smile on Georgia's face.

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