Chapter Eleven

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(A/N): Wow, this is a long one. Hope you enjoy it :) send me feedback in a review/comment? xx


“Ugh,” Georgia groans, pulling herself to stand up. She looks at the clock and sighs. “Nine o’clock on a Saturday. Are you kidding me, Georgia?” she asks herself, walking into the bathroom. After turning on the shower, she looks herself in the mirror and smiles, “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”


When she steps out of the bathroom half an hour later, Georgia is almost ready to go. She pulls a beanie over her slightly frizzy hair and goes to her bed to pull on her Vans. Picking her phone up off the counter, she walks downstairs and grabs a muffin off of the counter. “Let me at least tell him,” Georgia mumbles as she takes a piece of paper from the counter top and writes out a note to her dad and brother.

Finally she climbs into her car and pulls out as quietly as possible so she doesn’t disturb her still-sleeping family. Georgia takes the familiar route to the cemetery, wondering if Luke picked this place because he’s seen her there before or because he’s going to explain why he goes. “Or maybe he’s just going to keep it to himself,” Georgia says as she pulls into the lot to park.

She sees Luke’s Jeep parked in a few slots over, but it’s empty and she knows he’s somewhere in the cemetery. Before she wants to meet him, Georgia decides to stop off at her mom’s grave site and say a few words. Just as she rounds the last hedge of shrubbery, she hears Luke’s voice so she halts.

“I guess it is kind of dumb,” she hears him say, “but I just wanted to talk to you about it first, Mrs. Rosenberg. Thanks for listening.” Georgia hears what sounds like the rustling of flowers and she peeks around the bush to see Luke setting down a bouquet of daisies. “I promise I’ll take care of her for you,” Luke whispers before pressing a kiss to his hand and transferring it to the engraving on the stone in front of him.

Georgia takes a few steps back and prays Luke didn’t hear her. A moment later she calls, “Luke, where are you?” She feels bad about lying to him but when she sees him stand up, it doesn’t matter anymore. His hair is damp with sweat and a tank that hangs low and barely covers his shoulders is stuck to his torso with sweat. Georgia’s eyes unashamedly rake over his cut but thin body, noticing the curve of his pecs and the shadows his deep-set collarbones create.

“Hey Georgia,” he greets with a bashful smile. She grins in return, “Hey Luke.” He rubs the back of his neck in a nervous fashion as his eyes drop from her face to her shoes.

She sees the two coffee cup sin his hands and she takes a step forward and points to them. Luke notices and stutters, “O-Oh, yeah, I, um, I bought these.” One of his arms juts out shakily and Georgia smiles while she takes it from his hand. “Thank you,” she says before sipping from the cup. She’s surprised to find it exactly how she likes it. “No problem,” he responds as he sits down on a nearby bench.

“So,” Luke starts, setting his drink on the ground as he looks up at Georgia. “What do you want to say?” She knows he feels awkward, she can sense it in his voice and posture.

“Penelope likes you,” Georgia says with a sigh. Luke scoffs, “No shit.” Her eyes widen at his words and her mouth hangs open. “Then why were you dancing with her?!” He chuckles, watching as she treads closer to him. “She told me some sob story about how her goldfish died so I hugged her and then a slow song started and I couldn’t be rude to her.” Georgia nods in understanding. “It’s hard to say no to Penelope, I know.” Luke shakes his head, “It’s harder to say no to you.”

Georgia rolls her eyes, “I’ve never asked you for anything.” Luke shrugs, “I have had to tell myself no, though.” She quirks up an eyebrow in questioning. Luke laughs and loses his eyes for a moment before refocusing on Georgia. “That day in the coffee shop when I first met Mr. Perfect?” Georgia nods and smiles, recalling the day easily. “I don’t know why, but I wanted to punch the living shit out of him,” Luke speaks honestly with a dry chuckle after. “I was jealous that you would talk to him and not me.”

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