Chapter Two

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Stepping out of her little Mazda, Georgia keeps reminding herself that it’s Friday and she’s only got six hours until the weekend. She sees Penelope’s bubblegum pink Volkswagen Bug parked only a few spaces away, and she knows that her friend will be waiting inside as usual.

Although she doesn’t expect Peeps to be talking with Ashton Irwin.

“Really?” Georgia mumbles to herself, really wishing that she put more effort into her outfit today. Sweat pants and a band tee aren’t much to impress anyone, not to mention she hadn’t gotten up early enough to dry her hair, so it’s just up in a wet, messy bun. “I’m going to kill her later,” she speaks in a low voice with one final frown before looking up at Penelope.

Georgia has to hold in a laugh at Ashton’s awkward facial expression. Whenever she’s seen him, he’s always grinning like a little kid, but now his lips are pulled into a slight frown, any trace of dimples completely disappeared from his cheeks. His eyes are a stormy gray and he’s staring at Penelope as if she’s got three heads.

“Hey Peeps,” she calls, holding her hand up in a slight wave. Ashton turns his attention to her, a relieved expression falling over his face. He smirks while taking in the clothing that Georgia is clad in. “Someone looks like they just rolled out of bed,” he comments, watching as she turns the knob on her locker.

She clicks her tongue against the backs of her teeth while smiling. “Way to go Captain Obvious,” Georgia teases, looking up at him to gauge his reaction to her words. He’s smiling, the normal dimples carved into his cheeks. “You can see!” Ashton giggles at her side comment and readjusts the bag on his arm. “God gave me eyes, might as well use ‘um, right?” he asks, leaning his left shoulder against the lockers next to Georgia’s. She nods, sending a glance to Penelope to make sure she’s still breathing.

I’m flirting with Ashton Irwin. Penelope probably thinks I’m possessed or something.

Instead of leaving her gaze on her best friend, Georgia turns her attention back to the cute drummer waiting for her to talk back. “I guess so,” she answers dumbly, shrugging her shoulders. Grabbing her books off the top shelf, she closes her locker and can’t help but feel that Ashton’s gaze is boring into her back.

“Is there some reason you magically decided to wait around by your locker today?” Georgia asks, cocking her head to the side slightly. Ashton smiles, his eyes dropping to the tiled flooring of the school hallway. He shakes his head, running his fingers through his bangs afterward, pushing them out of his glinting eyes. “Well, actually, that’s not true,” he corrects, holding up his index finger. “I was talking to your friend here Penny about-”

“Penelope,” the blonde corrects, placing her hands on her hips.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s what I meant,” Ashton says while pursing his lips. He looks at Penelope for a second before nodding and uttering an apology. “Anyway,” he begins again, his hands clasping together in front of his torso. “I wanted to mention to Penelope that we were having a little show on the lake next weekend.” Georgia shrugs and loops her arm through the silent girl next to her. She nudges Penelope with her elbow and smiles in encouragement. “So you’ve told her,” Georgia speaks with a slight head nod, “now what?”

Ashton laughs dejectedly, grabbing his bag in haste and following after the two girls as they walk to their first class of the day. “Well, I mean, I guess that wasn’t exactly all I was going to mention,” he amends with a shrug. Georgia laughs lowly and turns, her eyes connecting with his. “And what else were you going to mention, Mister Irwin?” she asks playfully. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, his muscles flexing in the process. “I was going to see if maybe you two wanted to come to the show,” Ashton finishes, a nervous look in his eyes.

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