Chapter 10 [pt. 1/2]

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“Thanks for taking me out, Ashton,” Georgia says as they pull back into the parking lot as the bell rings. He nods and gets out to open her door for her. “It was no problem,” he says, kissing her temple. “I’m here for you, Geeps, really.” She nods and takes his arm to help her get out of the vehicle. “That means the world,” she tells him honestly.

Together they walk into the school, going against the grain of students racing each other to get out and into whatever they do on Friday nights. “I’ll walk with you to your locker,” Ashton tells her as they head in that direction. “I’m really excited to see you guys play tonight,” Georgia says as they begin walking that way. “I have to interview you guys, though.” Ashton’s eyebrow quirks up, “What?” She smiles and looks at him, her head turned slightly. “I’m in journalism and local bands are the focus of my current article,” Georgia explains.

“Oh,” he says in a breath. “Makes more sense now, I guess.”


Her head instantly snaps up and she makes eye contact with a blazing blonde. “Wh-what?” she asks, her voice coming out in a stammer. Penelope pins her with a glare, her blue eyes alight, “Where were you? You just disappeared after lunch.” Calum snorts, “Skipping, you ditz.” Penelope doesn’t even turn around, but the boys are eyeing Ashton and Georgia warily.

“You two didn’t…” Michael trails off, pointing between the two.

Georgia’s eyes go wide and she shakes her head, but her voice is lost in her throat. She looks desperately at Ashton for him to defend them, and along the way she catches Luke’s eyes. They’re cold, dark, and his brow is furrowed so there are wrinkles in his forehead. She shakes her head in gentle confusion as Ashton sticks up for the both of them.

“She needed to clear her head,” he says coolly, pushing Georgia towards her locker. As if she were a robot, she turns the knobs in the correct directions and pulls the correct things out of her locker before putting up her backpack. As if to prove a point, Ashton leans over and takes Aliza’s hand in his own and laces their fingers together. She blushes a light shade of pink, making her blue eyes look even lighter, and then he tugs her into his side. “We’re going to get something to eat,” he says decisively, looking down at Aliza for quick approval. She nods and smiles up at him, and then together they walk down the hallway.

“I thought you like died or something,” Penelope says, putting her hand over her heart in an over dramatic way. Michael and Calum both scoff. “We should’ve called the police,” the darker of the two teases. Georgia scowls at him and he just rolls his eyes in response before pulling Michael away towards the front door to leave.

Georgia feels hands on her face seconds later, and when she focuses, she sees Luke in front of her. “H-Hi?” she asks, her voice skewed because of the way he squeezing her cheeks. Her eyebrows furrow and he looks down at her with concerned eyes. Luke licks his lips, drawing Georgia’s attention to them for a moment, full and dark and glistening. She shakes her head and gently shoves against his chest, “What are you looking at me like that for? Do I have a zit or something?” He shakes his head, “I was just wor- You know what?” His facial expression hardens. “Forget it.”

With that, he turns around and jogs towards his friends. “Wait up, guys!” she hears him call just before the slamming of the school’s front door echoes.

“Let’s go, Georgie,” Penelope says in a chipper tone, “we’ve got to go and clean you up.”

She gives Georgia’s outfit a once over and shivers, “We have some work to do.


“Definitely the white skinnies, Georgie,” Penelope scolds prior to popping her mint gum. “Certainly there is a bit of sense inside that pretty head of yours, right?”

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