Chapter 18 - edited on 3/12

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WARNING: Once more, there is mention of suicide in this chapter. SO if you're triggered, do not read xx

“Stop squirming, sweetheart, I’ve got to put the antiseptic on it.” Georgia’s lower lip juts out in a pout as she leans her neck to the side, allowing the nurse full access. “How you feeling?” the woman asks. Georgia cranes her neck to read the nurse’s nametag. Judy. “Well considering the fact that I’m alive, I guess I’m doing all right.”

Judy’s warm brown eyes pin Georgia with a stern glare, “How are you feeling?”

Georgia shrugs, “I don’t really know, to be honest with you. I just want to see Luke.” That’s a lie. Well, partially. She really wants to be with her mom, but that’s impossible. Judy smiles and brings the can of spray-on antiseptic just a few inches from Georgia’s neck, spritzing some of it on the wound on Georgia’s skin. She winces, shrinking away from the nurse, but with a gentle, steady hand, Judy reels her back in.

“I know he’s itching to see you,” she speaks with a laugh, looking up at Luke. Georgia follows her eyes to see Luke through the little window that’s set in the door, and he’s pacing furiously, his hands pushing through his hair as he walks back and forth. She smiles, biting her lip, and returns her attention to Judy. “He’s a sweet boy,” the nurse says, pressing gauze over the area that’s now bleeding freshly. “I’m sorry this whole thing happened to you two.”

Georgia shrugs, trying to play off that she wasn’t just fighting for her life a half hour ago. “There’s nothing he or I could’ve done to stop it,” she says, her voice getting quieter with each word.

“Did you know that Stewart was suicidal?” Judy asks in a soft tone, tipping up Georgia’s chin. Her eyes widen as she shakes her head, “Oh my…N-no, I didn’t know that.” Judy nods her head and presses medical tape around the edge of the gauze. “Yeah,” she tells her, “he was unstable mentally and physically, he’d just gotten out of a psych ward a week before he came to visit your boyfriend.”

Instantly Georgia shakes her head, “W-we’re not…”

Judy flashes her a look with a raised eyebrow and instantly Georgia blushes. “Well, maybe,” she mumbles, looking down at her lap.

“That’s a little more than a maybe, sweetie,” Judy teases her, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “But you’re good to go, even though we have to keep you overnight.” Georgia nods, “It’s okay, I really don’t want to go home just yet.” Judy smiles and leans up to kiss her forehead, and Georgia feels a comforting warmth spread throughout her body.

“You’re safe here,” Judy reassures her as her hands hold onto Georgia’s biceps. “I promise.”

The words chill Georgia to the bone, knowing that just moments ago she was being told the same things by Luke when in fact everyone in the room knew it was a lie. Or so they thought.

Georgia nods anyways, “Thank you.” Judy smiles one last time, “I’m going to let him in, all right?” Georgia smile appreciatively and begins swinging her legs as she watches Judy slip out the door, closing it behind her with a light click. She watches as she sees the nurse speaking with Luke, his eyes red-rimmed and his hands clenched by his sides. When his shoulders drop and his smile appears on his face and he leans forward to hug Judy quickly, Georgia feels her heart jump into her throat.

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